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Transfer Students

If your school is part of a district-level Naviance account, you can move student folders to other schools within the district account using the Transfer Students feature or by completing a district-level student data import.

School staff members can only transfer student records if they and the receiving school are part of the same district-level Naviance account.

Student Data

When moving student folders from one account to another using Transfer Students or a data import, most student data will transfer, including:

  • Personal and demographic data
  • Username and password, if registered
  • Test scores
  • Prospective Colleges list or Colleges I'm Thinking About list
  • College Application data
  • Scholarship application data
  • Favorite careers, career clusters, and pathways
  • Success plan activity for district-level tasks only
  • Journals, if shared with counselors.
  • Documents
  • Resumes
  • Assessments
  • Surveys
  • Student course data
  • Course plans
  • Linked parent accounts

    The new school must reassign a registration code if the student or parent has not yet registered for Naviance Student.

The following student data does not transfer and must be re-populated by the new school:

  • Counselor assignment
  • Goals
  • Homeroom assignment
  • Manual rank and decile
  • Work-based learning activity

Initiate a Student Transfer

  1. Navigate to Students, and then choose Transfer Student.
  2. Select Initiate a Student Transfer.
  3. Choose a school from the New School list. The list only displays schools that are a part of your district.
  4. Enter a Description of the transfer.
  5. Select the Class range.
  6. Enter the last name of the students you want to transfer. Enter nothing to display an entire class roster.
  7. Click Preview.
  8. Select the students to transfer or clear students not to transfer.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Click Submit to complete the transfer. Transferred students are in limbo until the new school approves or rejects the transfer.

Review and Approve or Reject Incoming Transfers

To complete a transfer request, the receiving school must approve or reject the request.

  1. Navigate to Students, and then choose Transfer Student.
  2. Select Review and Approve/Reject Incoming Student Transfers.
  3. Select Accept, Reject, or No Action for each student. If you select No Action the transfer status will remain pending. The student remains in limbo until the receiving school accepts or denies the transfer.
  4. Enter a Comment to be shared with the initiating school. There is a 255-character limit on comments.
  5. Click Review and Process Transfers.
  6. Click Process Transfers to finish the transfer process. The student folder is transferred to receiving schools for accepted transfers. The student folder remains at the sending school for rejected transfer.

Cancel a Transfer

  1. Navigate to Students, and then choose Transfer Student.
  2. Select Review Outgoing Student Transfers.
  3. Select the Date Submitted for the transfer you want to cancel.
  4. Select the desired student.
  5. Click Review and Delete Transfers.
  6. Click Delete Transfers.
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