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eDocs Document Descriptions

Prepare and submit the following documents via Naviance eDocs:

Counselor Documents



Common App School Report (SR)

A secondary school report that is specific to Common App destinations. It includes school information and academic ability and achievement for the student.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations.
  • Must be sent with initial documents including the initial transcript, and school profile.
A form that you complete in Naviance eDocs.

NACAC School Report (SR)

A secondary school report created by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) that includes school information, and the academic ability and achievement of the student.

  • Can be sent to electronic destinations other than Common App.
A form that you complete in Naviance eDocs.

Common App Counselor Recommendation Form

A secondary school form that is specific to Common App destinations. It asks counselors questions that were previously in the evaluation section of the school report.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations.
  • Can only be sent any time after the SR has been sent.
A form that you complete in Naviance eDocs.

Other School Report (SR)

A secondary school report provided by the college to which the student is applying.

  • Can be sent to electronic destinations other than Common App.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Written Evaluation

The counselor’s written recommendation for a student.

  • Can be sent to any destination.
  • For Common App destinations, can only be sent with the Counselor Recommendation form once the Initial Materials have been sent.
  • Not required if the counselor selects the option in the Common App form stating they will not be providing a Written Evaluation for the student.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Leaving Exam Results

A document that contains a student’s scores and whether they demonstrated proficiency in particular subjects. It is used for schools where promotion from grade to grade is based on national exams.

  • Can be sent to any destination.
  • For Common App destinations, required if you have indicated that promotion within your school’s education system is based on standard leaving exams given at the end of lower or senior secondary school by a state or national exams board.
  • Must be sent with initial documents.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Current Courses

A document that contains a list of the student’s current year courses, if those courses are not listed on the accompanying transcript.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations. 
  • Required if student’s current courses are not included on the initial transcript.
  • Must be sent with initial documents.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

NACAC Fee Waiver

A fee waiver document uploaded on behalf of a student so that students have an opportunity to apply to a university even if they do not have the financial resources.

  • Can be sent to electronic destinations other than Common App.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.



Common App Optional Report 1 (OR1)

An optional report that is specific to Common App destinations. It can be sent to provide student information anytime between the initial and final document submissions.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations.

A form that you complete in Naviance eDocs.

Common App Optional Report 2 (OR2)

An optional report specific to Common App destinations that can be sent to provide student information if the Common App OR1 has already been submitted.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations.
  • Can only be sent after the Common App OR1.
A form that you complete in Naviance eDocs.

Grade Report/Report Card 1

A grade report is a report that displays interim grades for courses that are in progress. A grade report is usually sent after the first marking period of the senior year, especially for students who are applying Early Decision or Early Action.

  • Can be sent to any destination.
  • For Common App destinations, must be sent with the Common App OR1.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

OR Explanation of Change 1

The explanation of change is to accompany the optional school reports if a change in disciplinary history has been indicated on the report. The explanation of change should be used to provide details about the disciplinary history, change of grades, or correction of a transcript.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations.
  • Must be sent with the Common App OR1, and either an Optional Transcript or Grade Report/Report Card 1.
  • Required if a change is indicated on the Common App OR1.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.
OR Explanation of Change 2

The explanation of change is to accompany the optional school reports if a change in disciplinary history has been indicated on the report. The explanation of change should be used to provide details about the disciplinary history, change of grades, or correction of a transcript.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations.
  • Must be sent with the Common App OR2, and either an Optional Transcript or Grade Report/Report Card 1.
  • Required if a change is indicated on the Common App OR2.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.



Common App Mid-year Report (MR)

A mid-year report that is specific to Common App destinations. It can be sent to provide student information anytime between the initial and final document submissions.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations after the initial documents have been sent via eDocs.
  • Must be sent with the Mid-year Transcript.
A form that you complete in Naviance eDocs.

NACAC Mid-year Report (MR)

A mid-year school report created by NACAC that includes school information, and academic ability and achievement for the student.

  • Can be sent to electronic destinations other than Common App.
A form that you complete in Naviance eDocs.

Other Optional Report (OR)

An optional school report that is provided by the college to which the student is applying.

  • Can be sent to electronic destinations other than Common App.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Other Mid-year Report (MR)

A mid-year school report that is provided by the college to which the student is applying.

  • Can be sent to electronic destinations other than Common App.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

MR Explanation of Change

The explanation of change is to accompany the mid-year school reports if a change in disciplinary history has been indicated on the report. The explanation of change should be used to provide details about the disciplinary history, change of grades, or correction of a transcript.

  • Required if a change is indicated on the Common App MR.
  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations.
  • Must be sent with the Common App MR, and a Mid-year Transcript.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.



Common App Final Report (FR)

A final report specific to Common App destinations that can be sent to provide final student information after initial documents have been sent.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations after the initial documents have been sent via eDocs.
  • Must be sent with the Final Transcript.
  • Once the Common App Final Report has been submitted, staff members cannot submit any additional documents to any Common App schools for that student.
A form that you complete in Naviance eDocs.

Other Final Report (FR)

A final school report that is provided by the college to which the student is applying.

  • Can be sent to electronic destinations other than Common App.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

FR Explanation of Change

The explanation of change is to accompany the final school reports if a change in disciplinary history has been indicated on the report. The explanation of change should be used to provide details about the disciplinary history, change of grades, or correction of a transcript.

  • Required if a change is indicated on the Common App FR.
  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations.
  • Must be sent with the Common App FR, and a Final Transcript.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Teacher Documents


Common App Teacher Evaluation

An evaluation form specific to Common App and completed by the teacher making the recommendation for the student.

  • Can only be sent to Common App destinations.
A form that you complete in Naviance eDocs.

Letter of Recommendation

A teacher’s written recommendation for a student.

  • Can be sent to any destination.
  • For Common App destinations, must accompany the Common App Teacher Evaluation.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.



Initial Transcript

An official record of a student’s work, showing courses taken and grades achieved.

  • Can be sent to any destination.
  • For Common App destinations, must accompany the Common App SR.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Optional Transcript 1

A transcript that reflects additional work completed by the student after the initial transcript is submitted. An optional transcript might be sent if you sent the student’s end-of-junior-year grades as the initial or if your school is trimester-based.

  • Can be sent to any destination.
  • For Common App destinations, can accompany the Common App OR1 or 2, unless a Grade Report/Report Card is being sent.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Optional Transcript 2

A transcript that reflects additional work completed by the student after the Optional Transcript is submitted. An optional transcript 2 might be sent if an optional transcript was submitted before the mid-year transcript and a change needs to be noted after sending the mid-year transcript.

  • Can be sent to Common App destination.
  • For Common App destinations, can accompany the Common App OR 2.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Midyear Transcript

A transcript that reflects additional work completed by the student after the initial transcript is submitted. A midyear transcript may be optional or required, depending on the application requirements of the college.

  • Can be sent to any destination.
  • For Common App destinations, must accompany the Common App MR.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Final Transcript

A final record of a student’s work completed the year before the student attends college.

  • Can be sent to any destination.
  • For Common App destinations, must accompany the Common App FR and should only be sent to the students attending college.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.

Transfer Transcript

Transcripts from previous schools the student has attended.

  • Can be sent to any destination.
  • For Common App destinations, must be sent with the initial documents.
  • Maximum: Three transfer transcripts per student.
A document that you upload to Naviance eDocs.
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