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Process Application Materials for Students with eDocs

After students create a list of colleges they are applying to and request transcripts and letters of recommendation, you can process the required application materials using Naviance eDocs.

If your school uses Common App integration with eDocs, you must prepare and submit all documents via Naviance, not Common App.

To process the application materials, prepare, send, and track the materials for a current or alumni student from the eDocs section of their student folder.

  1. Before sending materials, you must:
    1. Ensure that students have a date of birth and assigned counselor in Naviance.
    2. Confirm your school's CEEB code is correct on the College Application Tools and eDocs Settings page.
    3. Upload a School Profile and complete the School Information form.
  2. If using Common App integration, students must complete account matching in Naviance Student before you can send documents to Common App institutions via eDocs.
Teachers managing letters of recommendation for students in Naviance can prepare and send recommendations using Teacher Desk.
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