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Review Document Submission Status with eDocs

To access the document submission status for a student, navigate to the student folder and select Submission Status from the eDocs section.

From the Submission Status page, review high-level submission details by application or submission details by document.

  • Parchment submission status displays delivered after the documents are available for the college to download.
    • Document ID numbers are generated for tracking purposes.
    • Click the document ID number to be directed to the Parchment Exchange, where you can access more details about the document submission.
  • Common App submission status displays delivered when a college downloads the documents. A download date is then available.
    • The Submitted to CA column displays the date the document was initially submitted to Common App.
    • The Downloaded column displays the date the institution downloaded the specific document.
  • Scribbles submission status displays delivered after the documents are available for the college to download.
    • The Downloaded column displays the date the institution downloaded the specific document.
To update the submission status for other delivery types, simulate the submission procedure via eDocs to mark documents as submitted and update the office and transcript status to mailed. The documents are not submitted to the college because mail-only schools are not electronic destinations schools. You can print the documents from eDocs and send them via mail if needed.
Submission statuses
SubmittingThe document is in the process of being sent electronically.
SubmittedThe document was successfully submitted to the institution.
Marked as submittedThe document was manually marked as submitted by a Naviance user for non-electronic submissions.
DeliveredThe institution downloaded the document.
FailedThe document submission was not successful.
When documents fail, Naviance tries resubmitting the documents in the background for up to 30 minutes. You may also receive an email notification stating the documents failed. No action is required if you navigate to the submission status page or eDocs in the student folder and the document submission status displays submitted or delivered. If the status displays failed, click the document pill to display troubleshooting information.
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