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Manage Alumni Student Documents with eDocs

On July 25, Naviance automatically rolls student accounts up to the next grade level and moves students' documents and forms to the Previous Years section of eDocs.

After documents move to Previous Years:

  • You cannot access the prior year's forms from the Prepare or Send sections of eDocs.
  • You can access uploaded but never submitted documents for the past three years from the Previous Years section of eDocs.
  • You can access submitted PDF forms and documents from the Previous Years section of eDocs for the life of your Naviance contract.

You can download submitted college application documents for alumni, including letters of recommendation from the Previous Years sections of eDocs from the student folder. You cannot bulk download documents for alumni students.

Since Common App clears its database each year, alumni students applying to Common App colleges must create a new Common App account for the current submission season. After the student creates the account, adds colleges to their Common App accounts, and completes the Common App FERPA, the student should be able to match the Common App account with their Naviance Student account.

If you have activated the eDocs setting to automatically update the active applications list, the student's colleges from Common App will automatically populate Colleges I'm Applying To in Naviance. Otherwise, you must add the college if the student cannot log in to Naviance Student. After the college is added to the alumni student's active application list, you can prepare and send documents like current students.

  • If the student is reapplying to a Common App college, you must update the previous application's status to the Student Did Not Apply. Then add the college to the student's list again to send materials.
  • You cannot submit transcripts for alumni students via Naviance eDocs if you submitted a final transcript for the student during the current submission season. Instead, you must mail the transcripts.
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