Use the RepVisits setup wizard to guide you through setting up RepVists for the upcoming school year.
You must complete the setup wizard to begin using RepVisits.
Select the Counselor Communityicon and choose Schedule.
You may be asked to update your account profile before the set-up wizard launches.
From the setup wizard, select Get Started on the Welcome to RepVisits page.
High school information
Indicate how you will be using RepVisits at your high school by selecting one of the options, and then choose Next.
If you are not sure whether or not your school will be setting up both visits and fairs, choose both. You will then have the ability to set up both visits and fairs at your school, even if you do not use both.
From the list, choose the correct time zone for your school, and then choose Next.
Your school's time zone appears to colleges when scheduling an appointment.
The time zone is included in the appointment details after an appointment is scheduled and confirmed.
Regular weekly hours
To set up your calendar for the upcoming academic year and establish weekly available time slots:
Select your school'sStart and End Dates for Visits.
Select Add Time Slot.
Open theDay(s)list and choose the days of the week to make the new time slot available.
Set aStart Timeand anEnd Time. Times must be entered using this format: #:## AM or #:## PM
Set the start and end dates to reflect the dates your school actively engages students for the academic year.
Determine how many colleges you will accept or schedule during that time period.
Select the type of visit to schedule during that time slot. When Either is selected, the college rep requesting the visit can choose if they want to meet with students virtually or in person.
Offer late afternoon and evening time slots for colleges to schedule virtual visits with your students so students and parents can attend from home. Students can access the virtual visit link from the College Visits page in Naviance Student, making it easy for them and their families to join the meeting from anywhere. Colleges will follow the same process for scheduling whether a visit occurs during the school day or after school hours.
Continue to add time slots as needed, and then choose Next.
Blocked days
Blocked holidays
Select theCommon US Holidaysthat your school observes, and then choose Save Blocked Holidays. Your availability is updated to reflect those holidays.
Custom blocked days
Add custom blocked days for your school's spring break schedule, teacher or staff in-service days, or other special events when visits cannot be scheduled at your school.
Select Choose Datesand select a day or the first day to block off from the calendar.
To select a single day, choose the date again.
To set a date range,choose the last date to be blocked off in the range.
With the calendar open, choose Select a Reasonand make a selection. The reason appears to a college or university when attempting to schedule a visit.
Select Add Blocked Time.
Continue adding custom blocked days as needed, and then choose Next.
On days when your school's bell schedule is different, or you have an influx of college visit requests, you can customize your school's regular hours and blocked days.
On theExceptionstab, choose Choose a Date.
Select the date for which you need to add exceptions.
Manage time slots on the selected day:
Select thetrash canicon to remove a time slot, and then choose Confirm.
Select a time slot to edit the visit type or the number of colleges that can visit during that time slot.
SelectRemove all visit openings for XX/XX/XXXX?to remove all visits on that day.
Navigate to theAdd a New Time Slotsection, set up the new time slot, and then choose Add Time Slot.
Continue adding blocked days as needed, and then choose Next.
Availability settings
Visit confirmations
Determine if your school will automatically confirm all incoming visit requests or manually review each incoming request.
Visit availability
Decide if you will allow for-profit U.S. institutions to request visits.
Visit scheduling
Change the number of days that colleges can:
Schedule a visit without a specific amount of advanced notice.
Cancel or reschedule visits online less than a certain number of days in advance.
Open the Accept list and select an option to determine how many college or university visits can be scheduled daily, regardless of the time slots established in your weekly hours and exceptions.
After the maximum number of visits per day is scheduled, the day will display as booked.
Alternatively, accept appointments until all time slots have been filled.
If you select a maximum of, change the number of visits per day.
Select Next.
Messaging options
Confirmation message
Enter a custom confirmation message. Add information for your school such as directions to the campus, instructions on parking, entering the building, and finding the counseling department. The message is included in the confirmation email sent to admission representatives after their visit is confirmed.
By default, confirmation emails include:
Your high school name
City and state of high school
Date/time of visit
Special instructions for RepVisits
Enter any information a representative should know before scheduling a visit to your school. For example, all visits occur in a particular location, you are using your virtual link, or seniors can only attend visits during certain hours. The note appears for admissions representatives when requesting appointments at your school.
There is a250-character limitfor this note.
Select Next.
Choose one high school in the district as the primary high school for scheduling visits. In the Special Instructions section, add a note for college reps that visits will include students from all high schools within your district. After confirming the visits, sends the visit details to the other high schools in the district so other high schools can manually add those visits to their calendars.
Notifications and primary contact
Primary contact for visits
Open the Primary Contact Name list and choose the point of contact to field visit changes or cancelations at your school. This point of contact's name, phone number, and email are included in the appointment details.
The list of primary contact names only includes staff members who are part of the Counselor Community. If a staff member is not listed, contact the Support team.
Notifications for visits
From the list of staff members, select those to receive email notifications for new, rescheduled, confirmed, and denied visits. Staff members who are not part of the Counselor Community are not listed.
To send email notifications to staff members not listed, type their email addresses in the field provided. Use a comma to separate email addresses if entering more than one.
Select Next.
Calendar sync
To sync your RepVisits calendar with a third-party calendar such as Google or Outlook, choose Subscribe to RepVisits in iCal/Outlook.
Select Copy to copy the URL you will need to set up the calendar sync.
Select X to close the dialog box to return to the Calendar Sync page, and then choose Next.
Naviance settings
Review the information about connecting Naviance and RepVisits.
Optionally, select Yes, I would like to connect and then choose Next.
Review any imported college visits and then choose Next.
From Publish Settings,
ChooseAutomatically publish confirmed visitsorManually choose which visits to publish. If automatically publishing confirmed visits, all visits confirmed in RepVisits are immediately available for student registration in Naviance Student.
Select Manually choose which visits to publish until you are ready to publish all confirmed visits after they have been scheduled.
Select Yes to notify students via email when a college of interest is confirmed to visit your high school. Students with the college in their Colleges I’m Thinking About or Colleges I’m Applying To will receive the email notification.
Set the Maximum Number of Visits per Student.
From Default Visit Details for College Visits:
Enter an In-Peron Visit Location.
Enter the Max Number of Students.
Choose to Display a Deadline and Status to Students.
Set a Student Registration Deadline.
Enter Instructions for Students.
Select Next.
Determine who can see your school's visit availability.
ChooseAll Higher Education RepVisits Users (Published)so colleges and universities can begin requesting or scheduling visits to your high school.
ChooseOnly My High School (Unpublished)to publish your calendar to colleges and universities later.
Select Next and read the information on the You're all set! page.
Select Take Me to My Visits or Get Started with College Fairs to complete the setup wizard.
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