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Alumni Tracker

College outcomes for alumni students are a measure of student success for districts, schools, and state education agencies. Use Alumni Tracker in Naviance to track alumni data surrounding college persistence rates and compare actual alumni outcomes to planned outcomes using Naviance reports.

With Alumni Tracker, you can send your school's alumni data to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) via Naviance without needing to complete a data export, format the file, and send it to the NSC. When alumni outcomes are ready, the NSC data automatically populates in Naviance without your needing to import the data.

If your school or district does not have an Alumni Tracker subscription, you can import reports from the National Student Clearinghouse into Naviance.

To use Alumni Tracker:

  1. Assign staff user role permissions to staff.
  2. Ensure the required student attributes are in Naviance.
  3. Send alumni data to the NSC.
  4. Review alumni data returned from the NSC.
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