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Track Alumni Data


After you send your school's alumni data to the NSC, the NSC returns alumni enrollment data to Naviance three times a year; in the fall, spring, and summer. You can review the alumni data student-by-student from the Post Grad section of the student folder or for class years using Reports 2.0 and Naviance Insights. You can also review the master data file returned from the NSC.

The NSC may not report enrollment data for an alumni student if:

  • The student information your high school provided did not match the student information provided by the postsecondary institution.
  • The postsecondary institution did not provide data.
  • A FERPA block is in place for the education record.
  • The student did not enroll in a postsecondary institution.

The NSC uses these abbreviations in the data:

FFull time
HHalf time
LLess than half-time
ALeave of Absence
QThree-quarter time

Student Folder

Navigate to a student's folder and select Post Grad to display the alumni data.

National Student Clearinghouse Records

Review alumni data using the data file returned by the NSC.

  1. Navigate to the gear icon, select Setup, and then select Alumni Tracker.
  2. From Alumni Tracker History, choose View File for the selected Event Description to download the CSV file.

The Alumni Tracker History may display:

  • Fewer students than in the past.
    • Naviance is only processing changes contained in the NSC data file.
    • We are no longer importing duplicate data.
  • Multiple files processed on the same day.
    • The files are not identical.
    • Each file contains a distinct set of information.


Use the Alumni Report 2.0 to review data for alumni outcomes:

  • College Enrollment and Completion Status for school or district alumni
  • Enrollment, Progress and Completion Status, and College Status for school or district alumni
  • Student-level information
If you have Alumni Tracker or import alumni data directly into Naviance, you can review the report from the school or district level.

Naviance Insights

Use Naviance Insights to assess year-over-year college outcomes by race, ethnicity, high school, and more.

  • Review the Outcomes Dashboard to track college outcomes for 12th graders and alumni and share the data in a presentation-ready format.
  • Review the Analysis and Comparison Dashboards to analyze the alumni data and uncover factors that influence college outcomes.

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