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PowerSchool SIS Staff Field Mapping


  1. Review the data fields supported by the Naviance and PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS) integration.

  2. Note the required data field and determine any additional data fields to import for staff.
  3. Complete the pre-integration preparation steps.
  4. Configure the integration in Naviance.

If you are a Clever user and take advantage of PowerSchool SIS Integration, you cannot sync staff data with Clever. However, you can continue to use Clever for staff single sign-on (SSO).

  1. To set up the Clever SSO experience, create a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) connection in Naviance and then use the External Link feature in Clever to add Naviance.
  2. To retrieve the Naviance link needed for the Clever external link feature, set up staff SAML and retrieve the Bookmark URL.

Staff Data Fields for Integration

OrderNaviance FieldRequirementDefinitionSIS Data Field List OptionsDefault Selection
1Unique Staff IDRequiredThe staff member's unique identifier.


2PrefixOptionalThe staff member's prefix.

(Do not import)

Select custom field

(Do not import)
3First NameRequiredThe staff member's first name.Users.First_NameUsers.First_Name
4Middle NameOptionalThe staff member's middle name.

(Do not import)


(Do not import)
5Last NameRequiredThe staff member's last name.Users.Last_NameUsers.Last_Name
6Job TitleOptionalThe staff member's job title.

(Do not import)


Select custom field

(Do not import)

7EmailRequiredThe staff member's email address.Users.Email_Addr


8Employee IDRequiredThe staff member's employee ID number.Users.TeacherNumber


9Federation IDOptionalThe ID is required if Federated ID is the Federation Type used for SAML SSO Setup.

(Do not import)


Select custom field

(Do not import)

10UsernameRequiredThe staff member's login name.


Users.LoginID (admin)

Users.TeacherLoginID (teacher)




The staff member's role.

12StatusRequiredThe status of the staff member. SchoolStaff.Status


Manually assign staff members to zones after you complete the PowerSchool Data Integration for staff and set up zones in Naviance.
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