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Prepare for the Staff Data Integration

Complete these steps before configuring the PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS) staff data integration.

Review the PowerSchool SIS staff field mapping template

Learn more about the PowerSchool data fields to import and how they match with Naviance fields.

Disable your Clever staff import

If your district has an existing Naviance-Clever integration for staff data, contact Naviance support to request a date and time to disable it before configuring the SIS integration.

Review Naviance user roles

Review your district- and school-level user roles.

  • Update user role names to eliminate confusion when mapping Naviance user roles to your PowerSchool roles in the Naviance configuration process.
    • Staff users not mapped to the Counselor or Teacher job function in Naviance are mapped to the Support Staff job function.
    • To prevent staff from being imported in Naviance do not map their assigned role in Naviance. Only mapped roles in the Naviance configuration process are imported.
  • Delete staff user roles you no longer use.

    Before deleting a user role, ensure no users are assigned to the role. If users are assigned, reassign those users to another user role and then delete the user role.

Prepare the PowerSchool SIS

  1. Install the Naviance plugin. You must have at least SIS version 22.7 and plugin version 1.2.14.
  2. Enable the Naviance plugin and copy the Client ID, Client Secret, and PowerSchool SIS URL. They will be used when completing the Naviance data integration setup.
  3. Review the staff settings. All staff who need Naviance accounts regardless of their need for SIS access must have a SIS account with the following settings. If SIS access isn't needed, do not assign security permissions.
    • For counselors, from Roles and Administration, you must:
      • Ensure Indicates a Counselor Role is selected to map staff users to the counselor job function in Naviance.
    • For teachers, you must:
      • Ensure Sign in to PowerTeacher is selected. 
      • Ensure the staff member is affiliated as a teacher at the correct schools and that you map the schools in Naviance.
      • Ensure Staff Type is set to Teacher for the corresponding school.
    • For district staff and administrators, you must:
      • Ensure Sign in to Administrative Portion of PowerSchool is selected. 
      • Ensure the staff member is assigned a role at the correct schools and that you map the schools and user roles in Naviance.
      • Ensure the staff members is assigned a role at the district office (home school) to create a district-level account in Naviance.
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