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Pennsylvania Student Readiness Indicators Import Fields


  1. Review the details of the Pennsylvania Student Readiness Indicator (SRI) data fields that you can import into Naviance.
  2. Note the required data fields and determine the optional fields you want to import.
  3. Download the Pennsylvania SRI data import template from the Naviance Knowledge Base in the PowerSchool Community. Select PowerSchool Community from the Get Help menu in Naviance to access the Community.
  4. Prepare the data to import using the template as a guide.
  5. Manually import the data.

Pennsylvania SRI Import Fields

Leave optional data fields blank if no data exists for a student.

Use separate Evidence columns to indicate multiple pieces of identical evidence.

Data Field




First NameRequired if a unique identifier, otherwise optionalAliciaThe student's first name.
Last NameRequired if a unique identifier, otherwise optionalWilliams

The student's last name.

BirthdateRequired if a unique identifier, otherwise optional02/05/05

The student's date of birth.

State Student IDRequired if a unique identifier, otherwise optional124901The student's state-assigned student identification number.
Student IDRequired if a unique identifier, otherwise optionalA9102RThe student's unique identification number assigned by the school or district.
Local Grade-based RequirementsOptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by meeting locally created grade-based requirements.
ACT WorkKeys (EBP)OptionalNot MetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through ACT WorkKeys scores.
SAT Subject Test (EBP) - Evidence 1OptionalNo Data

Indicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through SAT Subject Test scores.

SAT Subject Test (EBP) - Evidence 2OptionalNo Data

Indicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through SAT Subject Test scores.

SAT Subject Test (EBP) - Evidence 3OptionalNo Data

Indicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through SAT Subject Test scores.

IB (EBP) - Evidence 1OptionalNot MetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through IB exam scores.
IB (EBP) - Evidence 2OptionalNot MetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through IB exam scores.
IB (EBP) - Evidence 3OptionalNot MetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through IB exam scores.
AP (EBP) - Evidence 1OptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through AP exam scores.
AP (EBP) - Evidence 2OptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through AP exam scores.
AP (EBP) - Evidence 3OptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through AP exam scores.
Completion of Any Postsecondary Course (EBP) - Evidence 1OptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing a post-secondary course.
Completion of Any Postsecondary Course (EBP) - Evidence 2OptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing a post-secondary course.
Completion of Any Postsecondary Course (EBP) - Evidence 3OptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing a post-secondary course.
Industry-based Certification (EBP) - Evidence 1OptionalIn ProgressIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing an industry-based certification.
Industry-based Certification (EBP) - Evidence 2OptionalIn ProgressIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing an industry-based certification.
Industry-based Certification (EBP) - Evidence 3OptionalIn ProgressIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing an industry-based certification.
College-level Coursework (EBP) - Evidence 1OptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing college-level coursework.
College-level Coursework (EBP) - Evidence 2OptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing college-level coursework.
College-level Coursework (EBP) - Evidence 3OptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing college-level coursework.
Employment GuaranteeOptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by receiving a full-time employment guarantee.
Internship, Externship, or Cooperative Education ProgramOptionalIn ProgressIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing an internship, externship, or cooperative education program.
Service-learning ProjectOptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing a service-learning project.
Academic Compliance with NCAA Division II RequirementsOptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through compliance with the NCAA core course requirements.
SAT CompositeOptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through SAT Composite scores.
ACT CompositeOptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through ACT Composite scores.
PSAT/NMSQTOptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through PSAT/NMSQT scores.
ACT WorkKeys (AAP)OptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrates competencies through ACT WorkKeys scores.
AP (AAP)OptionalNot MetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through AP exam scores.
IB (AAP)OptionalNot MetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through IB exam scores.
Course CompletionOptionalMetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing a post-secondary course.
Pre-apprenticeship ProgramOptionalIn ProgressIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing a pre-apprenticeship program.
College-level Coursework (AAP)OptionalNot MetIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing college-level coursework.
Industry-based Certification (CTEC)OptionalIn ProgressIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by completing an industry-based certification.
Industry-based Competency AssessmentOptionalIn ProgressIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies through industry-based competency assessment scores.
CTE ProgramOptionalIn ProgressIndicates whether the student demonstrated competencies by demonstrating readiness for engagement in a CTE program.
Individualized Education ProgramOptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student has an individualized education program (IEP).
WaivedOptionalNo DataIndicates whether the student's graduation requirements have been waived.
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