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Track Career Planning

From Naviance, assess career planning:

  • For individual students from within the student folder.
  • For groups of students using reports.
To access career, cluster, and pathway profiles in Naviance, navigate to Careers, then select Explore Careers or Explore Clusters and Pathways.

Student Folder

To review military branches, job opportunities, careers, clusters, and pathways that an individual student has added to their favorites list, navigate to a student's folder, then select Careers from the student folder options. From the Careers section, review the student's list of favorite military branches, job opportunities careers, clusters, and pathways, along with those suggested by Naviance.

Staff cannot suggest careers, military branches, or job opportunities to students in Naviance.


Use a report to review the careers, clusters, and pathways students have saved to their favorites list.

All reports are available in both Naviance and Naviance District Edition. District-level reports populate with data for all schools in the district. District-level task completion reports populate with data for district-level tasks. They do not populate with data for school-level tasks.

Navigate to Analytics, select Reports, then choose a report.

Report NameDescription
Career Cluster By StudentStudents and the clusters and pathways each has saved.
Careers By StudentStudents and the careers each has saved.
Students By CareerCareers and the number of students who have saved each career.
Students By Career ClusterClusters and pathways and the number of students who have saved each career cluster and pathway.
Task Completion SummaryCompletion summary information for each task.
Task Completion StatusCompletion status information for each task.

Navigate to Analytics, select Reports 2.0, then choose a report.

Report NameDescription
Career Interest ReportAn overview of saved careers, clusters, and pathways by students.
Task Completion ReportAn overview of success planner task completion by task and by school.
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