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College Planning in Naviance Student

College Search Tools Reference Guide.docx 

Use the college planning tools in Naviance Student to locate the schools that best fit your interests, passions, and criteria. To access college planning tools, select Colleges, and choose Colleges Home or an option from Find Your Fit or Research Colleges.

Parents and guardians with Naviance Student accounts can search for colleges, review their student's list of Colleges I'm Thinking About, and optionally, suggest colleges to their students via Colleges I'm Thinking About.

College profiles

College profiles in Naviance Student provide information from the college or university.

  • Review the media gallery or the YouVisit tour if available.

    • The YouVisit tour is a 360-rotating image that displays Explore Our Campus Now.

    • Click the preview to launch the virtual tour.

    • Click the x icon to close the tour.

  • Click the heart icon to favorite the school and add it to your list of Colleges I’m Thinking About.
  • Choose to connect and communicate with the institution if the option is available.

    • If connected, you can disconnect by clicking More for the selected college from Colleges I'm Thinking About or Colleges I'm Applying To.

  • Click Virtual Tour, Communicate, Apply Online, or Learn More to further connect with the college.

  • Access other college planning tools at the end of the page. The Interested in You feature displays the College Match - College's Looking for Students Like You page.

College profile topics 


Includes information such as graduation rate, acceptance rate, application deadlines, and more.

If you meet the academic and residency requirements for merit-based scholarships, you can also review merit-based scholarships offered by the institution.

StudiesIncludes average classroom size, student retention, top areas of study, and more.
Student LifeIncludes housing information, student organizations and services, and more.
AdmissionsIncludes application requirements, application factors, scattergrams, and more.
CostsIncludes annual room and board, average net price, average grant amounts, and more.

Includes comments from current and alumni students.

Find your fit

Use the Find Your Fit tools to figure out what schools may be a good fit based on your interests. To access Find Your Fit Tools, select Colleges, and choose a search tool from Find Your Fit.


Use SuperMatch™ to explore college options and discover colleges that match your academic profile and fit with what you are looking for in a college experience. Select Colleges and then select SuperMatch College Search from Find Your Fit.

On your first visit to SuperMatch™, you are guided through a series of quick tips to help you navigate the search tool and understand its key features. Select About SuperMatch to relaunch the quick tips if you need help.

Select fit criteria

  1. From Choose Fit Criteria, select criteria based on what you are looking for in your college experience. The fit criteria are listed in the Must Have section.

  2. To refine your college search results, move fit criteria from the Must Have to the Nice to Have section according to its level of importance to you.
  3. Click the Tool Tips icon to learn more about the common concepts and terminology used in SuperMatch™.

Search results

Your search results update dynamically as you select fit criteria. Institutions with the highest score are listed first.

  • From the Fit Score column, review the fit score and click Why? to display the score breakdown according to your selected criteria.

  • If your GPA, SAT, and ACT scores are not pre-populated in the academic Match column, enter your scores to understand how you compare to the accepted averages and if you are an academic match for the institution. SuperMatch™ converts GPAs to a 4.0 scale.

  • Learn more about the college by displaying additional information. From the table headings, open the lists and select more criteria to update the results.

  • Select Pin to Compare to add the institution to your list of pinned schools and move the institution information to the beginning of the results list.

  • Click Favorite to add the institution to your Colleges I'm Thinking About list.

Compare pinned schools

Click Pinned at the end of the page and select Compare Pinned Colleges to display a side-by-side comparison of the colleges you have pinned. Click Export to download the results in a CSV file.


Click More at the end of the page and select:

  • Upcoming Visits to display all college visits scheduled at your high school.
  • Events to display a list of events scheduled at college campuses.

Colleges interested in you

Click Interested in You at the end of the page to learn more about colleges looking for students like you.

College match

College Match may include three different sections.

Colleges Looking for Students Like You
  • Discover postsecondary options that are both a match and a fit.

    • The college offers something you want in a college experience.

    • You match the type of student the institution wants to recruit, such as academic ability, location, or ethnicity.

  • Review information on how the college fits your interest, favorite the college, or indicate you are not interested.

    • If you favorite the college, you may receive a request to connect with the college.

Colleges Other Students Like
  • Review colleges that other students from your school who applied to the college of choice also applied to.

  • The page displays college information on a card with a graph indicating the percentage of students who applied.

  • From the cards, favorite the college or select its name to display its profile page in Naviance Student.

Colleges That Have Accepted Students Like You
  • A list of colleges, generated from an analysis of applications at your school, that have accepted students with a GPA and test scores like yours. Acceptance to colleges on this list is not guaranteed.

  • From the cards:

    • Review the matching criteria.

    • Favorite the college or select its name to display its profile page in Naviance Student.

College events

Find colleges that are hosting events and sign up for them.

  1. Select Colleges and choose College Events from Find Your Fit.

  2. Optionally, select recommended or virtual events or add additional filters to find relevant events.

  3. Select a college name to display its profile and learn more about the college.

  4. Click View More Details to review more information from the college about the event.

  5. Optionally, click Sign Up.

  6. Complete the college's event registration page.

To cancel your college event registration, you must contact the institution directly.


A scattergram is a graph that illustrates how you fit in with other students from your high school who were accepted, waitlisted, or denied admittance to a college based on GPA and test scores.

  1. Select Colleges and choose Scattergrams from Find Your Fit. Alternatively, select Admissions from a college profile to review the institution's Scattergram.

  2. Select a college from the list. The number indicates how many other students from your high school applied to this school in the past.

  3. Click View Scattergram.

  4. Choose display options from the Comparing and With lists.

  5. Use the legend to identify those accepted, waitlisted, and denied.

    • Your data displays a circle.

    • Hover over a data point to display connected SAT and GPA information.

Advanced college search

Answer questions from multiple categories to find colleges that match your interests.

  1. Select Colleges and choose Advanced College Search from Find Your Fit.

  2. Select a category such as Location or Majors.

  3. Answer category-related questions to identify your preferences for a school.

  4. Click View Matches.

  5. Select a college and then choose:

  6. Choose More for a selected school to:

  7. From the results list, select Save Search to save your search criteria to your list of Saved Searches.

College lookup

Display information about a specific college.

  1. Select Colleges and choose College Lookup from Find Your Fit.

  2. Choose an option from the Lookup by list.

  3. From the results list:

    1. Click the heart icon for the selected college to add it to your list of Colleges I’m Thinking About.

    2. Select the college name to display the college profile.

Search for colleges from the Colleges Home page. Enter a college name, click Search, and then select the college name from the list to display the college profile.

Research colleges

From Research Colleges in the Colleges section, find tools for researching schools and determine your likelihood of admittance.

Colleges I'm thinking about

As you research colleges and find schools of interest, add them to your Colleges I'm Thinking About list by clicking the heart icon or add them directly from Colleges I'm Thinking About.

  1. Select Colleges and choose Colleges I'm Thinking About. Alternatively, select Favorites and choose Colleges I'm Thinking About to review or add to your list of favorite colleges.

  2. Click Add Colleges to List.

  3. Select an option from the Lookup by list.

  4. Click the heart icon for the selected college to add it to your list of Colleges I’m Thinking About.

College visits

Review and sign up for college visits hosted by your school.

  1. Select Colleges and choose College Visits from Research Colleges.

  2. Review the list of visits.

  3. Choose View Details for a selected visit to display more information.

  4. Optionally, select Sign Up and then click Sign Me Up.

College compare

Compare the average GPA and test scores of students from your high school accepted to a particular college over a span of time.

  1. Select Colleges and choose College Compare from Research Colleges.

  2. Select Add Colleges to Compare.

  3. Use the college lookup tools to find schools.

  4. Select the schools for which you want to compare.

  5. Click Save Selection.

  6. Click Finished Searching to add the schools to your compare list. A check mark indicates that your numbers are higher than the average, and an X means they are lower than average for those admitted to this school.

College resources

Find external websites that may be valuable to your college search process.

Acceptance history

Review an alphabetical list of colleges where at least one student from your school was accepted or enrolled.

Enrichment programs

Find enrichment programs provided by your school or district.

College maps

Review an interactive map populated with colleges from a list of pre-defined criteria, such as:

  • Your Colleges I'm Thinking About list.

  • The top 20 most popular colleges where our students applied.

  • Colleges where our students are attending.

  • 5-year combined BA/MBA programs.

Review key test scores

Review your SAT, ACT, and other key test scores added by your school. In some instances, you may also be able to add or edit key test scores in Naviance Student.

  1. Select Colleges and choose Test Scores from Apply to College to review them.

  2. Click Add and select a test type. Alternatively, select edit to update an existing test score.

  3. Select a Date, Month, and Grade Level from the lists, enter the scores, and then click Submit.

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