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About me in Naviance Student

Use the About Me section to access information related to your experience in Naviance Student including:

  About Me Reference Guide.pdf


Select About me and then select Goals from Documents and Notes to display your goals.

Test scores

Review your SAT, ACT, and other key test scores added by your school. In some instances, you may also be able to add or edit key test scores in Naviance Student.

  1. Select About me and then select Test Scores from Documents and More to review them.
  2. Optionally, click Add and select a test type. Alternatively, select edit to update an existing test score.

  3. Select a Date, Month, and Grade Level from the lists enter the scores and then click Submit.

My assessments

Select About me and then select the About me home. The My Assessments card displays an overview of your self-discovery assessment status. Select an assessment to begin or to display your results.

My surveys

Select About me and then select:

  • Surveys from Your School
  • Gameplan Survey
  • Graduation Survey

Select a survey name to begin a survey or display your responses.

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