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Portfolio in Naviance Student

To access the previous Portfolio and review information about your college-, career-, and life-planning activities in Naviance Student, go to About me and select Portfolio. Find the info message at the start of the page with the access link.

From Entries, create a portfolio and share your accomplishments and capabilities with others. Then, after you’ve added capabilities, use Career fit to learn if your favorite careers match your capabilities.


Add entries

  1. From the main navigation, select About me, and then choose Portfolio.

  2. From Entries, select Add entry.

  3. Choose an entry type.

    • Achievements, extracurriculars, work experience, other

      1. Enter the details and select Next.

      2. Select the capabilities that you have acquired and select Add.

    • Academic highlights

      1. If prompted, select a course or subject area and select Next.

      2. Enter the details and select Next.

      3. Select the capabilities that you have acquired and select Add.

    • Favorites

      • Select your favorite careers, pathways, clusters, colleges, and scholarships, and then select Add.

    • Self-Discovery results

      • Select the results to include and select Add.

    • Grades and test scores

      • Select your GPA, SAT, or ACT scores and select Add.

Manage entries

  1. From the main navigation, select About me, and then choose Portfolio.

  2. From Entries, choose the entry and select Remove, Edit, or Delete. Then,

    • Select Delete to confirm removing or deleting an entry.

    • Edit the details and click Next. Then, select or remove capabilities and click Update.

Manage your profile

  1. From the main navigation, select About me, and then choose Portfolio.

  2. From Entries, go to your profile and select the pencil icon.

  3. Upload a photo, enter an Email or Mobile Phone, and then select Save.

Share a portfolio

If your school makes sharing available, you must be 13 or older to use the feature.

  1. From the main navigation, select About me, and then choose Portfolio.

  2. From Entries, select Share and choose New link or Print.

  3. If creating a link, enter a Title.

  4. Optionally, manage your entries. You can:

    • Choose not to include your profile photo.

    • Remove any entries you do not want to include in your shared portfolio.

    • Reorder your entries.

    • Click the pencil icon to rename the entry types.

  5. Select Print or Create and copy link.

  6. Share the print version or link.

  1. From the main navigation, select About me, and then choose Portfolio.

  2. From Entries, select Share and choose the link to edit.

  3. Select Edit or Copy link.

  4. Optionally, edit the link. You can:

    • Update the title.

    • Choose to include your profile photo or not.

    • Select or remove entries to share.

    • Reorder the entries.

    • Click the pencil icon to rename the entry types.

    • Select Update and copy link.

Career fit

Find out if you are a good fit for your favorite careers based on the capabilities you’ve added to your portfolio.

  1. From the main navigation, select About me, and then choose Portfolio.

  2. Choose Career fit.

    • Select a Favorite career from the list to learn if it fits your capabilities.

      1. Review the top capabilities for the selected career.

      2. Optionally, choose an ability, knowledge set, or skill needed for the career to display more details, review or remove related entries, and add an entry.

    • Review your capabilities.

      • Choose the related entry to display more details, review or remove the entry, and add an entry.

Abilities, knowledge sets, and skills are included in the career data provided to Naviance from O*NET and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor. O*NET is a trademark of the US Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration. Naviance updates databases according to the information available on these sites.

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