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The Portfolio feature in Naviance Student lets students document their growing skills, knowledge sets, and abilities, showcasing their preparation for future careers and post-secondary goals. Students can add entries, including attachments, and then choose which entries to share with non-Naviance users via a link or print version.

Entry type


Academic highlights

Courses or subjects students want to highlight


Awards, certificates, and other examples of success


Sports, clubs, interests, hobbies, and other experiences outside of the classroom


Careers, clusters, pathways, colleges, and scholarships from your Favorite lists

Grades and test scores

GPA, SAT, and ACT scores

Self-Discovery results

Self-assessments completed in Naviance

Work experience

Jobs, internships, apprenticeships, and other work-related roles


Other types of entries that showcase interests, skills, and more

Additionally, students can use Portfolio’s Career fit to learn how their acquired skills, knowledge sets, and abilities match their careers of interest.

To get started:

  1. Set up Portfolio.

  2. Have students create their portfolio in Naviance Student.

  3. Review and manage students' shared portfolios.

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