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Set Up Career Planning

To set up career planning:

  • Assign staff the desired user role permissions in Naviance.
  • Give students access to the desired features in Naviance Student.

Assign staff user role permissions

Assign the following permissions to user roles so that staff can access career information in Naviance.

User Role PermissionDescription
View careers in student listAccess students' list of favorite careers, clusters, and pathways.
Access careers sectionReview career profiles in Naviance.

Select Naviance Student settings

Select the following features so students can access the Careers section and related features in Naviance Student.

Careers SectionEnables the Careers menu, including Military Exploration, Favorite Careers and Clusters, Explore Careers, Explore Clusters and Pathways.
Work-Based Learning

Enables Work-Based Learning in the Careers menu.

Activates grade-level options when creating work-based learning opportunities in Naviance.

Roadtrip Nation Interview ArchiveEnables the Roadtrip Nation Interview Archive in the Careers menu.
Search Job Opportunities

Enables access to Search Job Opportunities in the Careers menu.

Explore Local Opportunities

Enables access to career information provided by districts, states, industries, organizations, or businesses.

Assign success plan tasks related to career planning

Assign the following tasks to students to track students' progress in completing each assessment.

If using Naviance for Districts, edit and assign tasks at the district level to monitor and track task completion for all schools in the district.
Task nameCompletion trigger
Add Career Clusters to My List

Student adds one career cluster to their favorites list.

Edit the task and change the threshold number to increase the number of career clusters that students must add to their favorites list.
Add Careers to My List

Student adds one career to their favorites list.

Edit the task and change the threshold number to increase the number of careers that students must add to their favorites list.
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