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Set Up Naviance for Schools

The following set-up options are available in Naviance:

After creating staff user accounts via User Administration, Naviance recommends setting up Preferences.

School Account

Manage your school's account profile and review service subscriptions.

  1. Navigate to the gear icon and select Setup.
  2. Choose School Account.
  3. Review information about your account, including address, enrollment information, and services.
  4. Optionally, from Account Profile, select update and edit your school's address or contacts.
  5. Optionally, from Enrollment Information, select update and edit your school's enrollment information.

Assign Counselors

If you do not assign counselors to students via the student data import, use Assign Counselors to do so in bulk.

Before assigning counselors in Naviance, ensure that staff user accounts have been set up for all counselors and User should appear in list of counselors has been selected in their account.
  1. Navigate to the gear icon and select Setup.
  2. Choose Assign Counselors.
  3. Select an option.
    • Assign all students in a class to a single counselor
      1. Select a Grade or Class from the list.
      2. Choose a counselor from the Select Counselor list.
      3. Click Assign Counselor.
    • Assign each counselor by alphabet
      1. Select a Grade or Class from the list.
      2. Choose a counselor from the Select Counselor list.
      3. Enter a Start Letter. Always enter A for Group 1. The last group will end with the letter Z by default. You can enter a single letter, such as A, or multiple letters, such as Al.
      4. Click Assign Counselor.
    • Assign students by homeroom

      Add homerooms in Naviance before selecting this option.
      1. Choose a counselor from the Select Counselor list for each Home Room.
      2. Select a Grade or Class years range.
      3. Click Assign Counselor.
    • Assign students by group

      Add students to groups in Naviance before selecting this option.
      1. Select a Grade or Class years range.
      2. Choose a counselor from the Select Counselor list.
      3. Choose a group from the Select Student Group list.
      4. Click Assign Counselor.
    • Assign each counselor to an arbitrary student
      1. Select a Grade or Class from the list.
      2. Select a Counselor from the list for each student.
      3. Click Assign Counselor.
    • Switch all students from one counselor to another
      1. Select a Grade or Class from the list.
      2. Choose a counselor from the Current Counselor list.
      3. Choose a counselor from the New Counselor list.
      4. Click Assign Counselor.
    • View current counselor assignments for a class
      1. Select a Grade or Class from the list.
      2. Review the counselor assignments for the selected class.

Manage Teacher List

Manage Teacher List displays a list of teachers imported via a teacher data import or who have an active or inactive user account with the setting User should appear in list of teachers selected.

User accounts are not automatically created when teachers are imported via a teacher data import.  You must manually create teacher user accounts. 

Add a Teacher

  1. Navigate to the gear icon and select Setup.
  2. Choose Manage Teacher List.
  3. From Options, click Add New Teacher.
    • Select a contact from the list, and then click Add to Teacher List. Students can now request a letter of recommendation from the teacher.
    • Enter the requested information, and then click Add to List.

Delete a Teacher

  1. Navigate to the gear icon and select Setup.
  2. Choose Manage Teacher List.
  3. Click edit for a teacher who does not have a user account.
  4. Click Delete Teacher to remove the teacher from the list.
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