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Create and Manage Student Groups

Using the Groups feature found in both school and district Naviance accounts, categorize students for analysis and assign Curriculum lessons or Naviance Test Prep study programs.

Take advantage of default student groups at the school level or create an unlimited number of custom groups at both the district and the school level.

Create a Student Group

  1. From Naviance, navigate to Students, and then select Groups.

    Alternatively, from Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon, select Setup, and then choose Student Groups.
  2. From Options, select Add Group.
  3. Enter a Code or abbreviation.
  4. Enter a Name.
  5. Click Add Group.

    Student groups created at the district level are available at the school level.

Edit a Group Name

  1. From Naviance, navigate to Students, and then select Groups.

    Alternatively, from Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon, select Setup, and then choose Student Groups.
  2. Choose Edit Name for the selected group.
  3. Edit the group information.
  4. Click Update Group.

    You cannot change the names of district-created groups at the school level.

Delete a Group

  1. From Naviance, navigate to Students, and then select Groups.

    Alternatively, from Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon, select Setup, and then choose Student Groups.
  2. Click delete for the selected group.
  3. Click Delete Group.

    You cannot delete district-created groups at the school level.

School-level Group Features

Add or Remove Students to a Group

Manually add or remove students to groups by name and grade level from a school-level account.

  1. From Naviance, navigate to Students, and then select Groups.
  2. Select Edit Members for the desired group.
  3. Choose a Grade or Class, then click Change to display a list of students.
  4. Select Available Students, then click Add or Add All to add students to the group.
  5. Select Current Group Members, then click Remove or Removal All to remove students from the group.
  6. Optionally, click Update Membership, then add students from another grade or class to the group.
Alternatively, manage student group assignments at the school or district level after creating student groups via a student data import.

Build a Group from a Search

Use the build from search feature in a school-level account to assign students with specific characteristics, such as a GPA, test score range, survey completion, or interest in a particular college.

  1. From Naviance, navigate to Students, and then select Groups.
  2. From Options, select build from search.
  3. Select the criteria for the group.
  4. From Action, choose to add students to a previously created group or a new group.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Click Add to Group.

Review Student Group Assignment

  1. From Naviance, navigate to Students, and then select Groups.
  2. Select the group name.
  3. Choose a Grade or Class range, then click Get Members to display a list of students assigned to the group.
  4. Select show summary counts to display aggregate group membership by class year.
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