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Manage Scholarships

Add a Scholarship on Behalf of a Student

  1. Navigate to the selected student folder.
  2. Select Scholarships.
  3. Click Add Student Scholarship.
  4. Enter the scholarship details.

    You must enter an amount if selecting Specific Amount for Award Amount.
  5. Click Save Changes.

    The scholarship is added for the student. It is not added to the master scholarship list for your school.

Edit Scholarship Details for a Student

  1. Navigate to the selected student folder.
  2. Select Scholarships.
  3. Choose an App Status or Result from the corresponding lists.
  4. Optionally:
    • Click Edit to update additional scholarship details.
    • Click Delete to remove the scholarship from the student's list.

Review Scholarships Entered via a Survey

To update an awarded scholarship amount that a student added via a survey, you must review the scholarship and then add it to the school's scholarship list. After adding the scholarship to your school list, you can edit the awarded amount from the student folder.

  1. From Connections, select Surveys.
  2. Select Responses: Scholarships.

    The Review and Accept Changes to Student Scholarships section only displays responses from a custom survey when Hold responses for review is selected for the built-in scholarship question.
  3. Optionally, from the Response page:

    • Select Ignore to remove the scholarship from the student's record.
    • Select Amount to update the award amount.
    • Select Not Awarded to indicate the scholarship was not awarded.
    • Select Never Applied to indicate the student did not apply for the scholarship.
  4. Select mark as reviewed and then click Submit and Continue to remove the student's responses from the page and add it to the Scholarships page of the student folder.
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