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Naviance overview

Naviance is the leading college, career, and life readiness (CCLR) platform that enables students to discover their strengths and interests, build critical life readiness skills, create actionable goals and find their best fit path after high school.

Review the Naviance Terms of Service to learn more about confidentiality, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, and more.

The College, Career, and Life Readiness (CCLR) Framework

The Naviance CCLR framework is a blueprint to prepare students in middle and high school students for success after graduation.

The framework:

  • Outlines six competencies, including themes and objectives.
  • Lists grade-specific activities aligned with the grade-specific objectives.
  • Provides guidance on key metrics to track for each competency.
Naviance CCLR Live by Kaplan courses are available to help your district or school achieve its CCLR goals.

Take a diagnostic assessment to get your school or district's current college and career readiness score and learn how you can use the CCLR framework to meet your school or district's goals.


Product editions

Depending on your institution, you may use Naviance District Edition, Naviance School Edition, or both. All Naviance accounts include Naviance Student.


Use Naviance District Edition to manage individual schools within your district and:

  • Import data.
  • Run district-level reports.
  • Assign district-level programs and tasks.
  • Transfer students between schools.
  • Create zones for schools in your district to enhance reporting capability.
  • Share historical application results from multiple schools across the district.
  • Restrict staff user access.

The Naviance District Edition homepage displays links to features and a list of schools in your district with active and inactive Naviance accounts. Select an active school name to display the school's Naviance account.


Use Naviance School Edition to customize Naviance Student, the student-facing platform, and manage features such as:

Staff users with the job function of teacher in Naviance experience the Teacher dashboard upon logging in to Naviance. From the Teacher dashboard or Teacher Desk, teachers can manage letter of recommendation requests. Staff users assigned a job unction other than teacher experience the default dashboard when logging in to Naviance. The default dashboard in a school-level account displays Naviance Announcements, links to important features, and a pie chart displaying senior college application data.

Naviance Student

Naviance Student is a student-facing platform that includes assessments, college and career searches, planning tools, a resume builder, and more. Using these tools, students can answer questions about their future, such as:

  • Who am I?
  • What do I want to be?
  • How will I get there?
  • How will I succeed?
Give parents and guardians Naviance Student accounts so they can access college, career, and life planning resources and gain insight into their student's post-secondary plans.

Naviance Student has received the VPAT denoting it as WCAG 2.0 AA compliant, an industry standard for accessibility. Visually impaired students can navigate the product using a screen reader, and the text and background color have a 4.5:1 contrast ratio.

Naviance Student Overview for Parents and Guardians.pdf


Product structure

All accounts include core Naviance tools.

College planning

Career planning


Success planning


Alumni Tracker

PowerBuddy for College & Career

In addition, subscription-based, extended modules are available to enhance the experience for your district, school, and students.

Course Planner


Insights Premium


Career Key

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