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Success Planning

Success Planning Overview

The Success Planning tools in Naviance allow students to set goals and school staff members to create tangible, action-oriented, and personalized plans that focus students on the future. Students can contribute to this plan by creating to-dos and marking items as completed.

Success Planning includes four key features.

Success Planning FeaturesDescription

Tasks are action items that schools and districts can assign to students and staff. You can:

  • Assign built-in tasks for common college, career, and life readiness activities in Naviance Student, such as completing StrengthsExplorer, adding careers to my list, and more. 
  • Create and assign custom tasks such as completing a brag sheet, taking a bullying survey, and more.
ProgramsPrograms are collections of tasks you create and assign to specific groups, such as grade 9 students, at-risk students, or student-athletes. When you assign programs to students, Naviance assigns the collection of tasks to students.
GoalsStudents create and manage goals for themselves. However, before students can create goals, you must create goal categories and assign them by grade level in Naviance. By default, Naviance provides one goal category, Other, which you cannot delete.
To-DosStudents create and manage to-do list items to help them stay on track with their post-secondary plans. To-dos are managed solely by students in Naviance Student. You cannot track students' to-dos in Naviance. 

Steps for Getting Started

  1. Decide the tasks you will assign to students.
  2. Create goal categories such as Career, Academic, and more.
  3. Edit the built-in tasks and create custom tasks.
  4. Create grade-level programs.
  5. Assign tasks and programs to students.

Suggested Activities


Time Management

Encourage students to create to-do lists to reflect due dates for assignments and tasks they need to complete.
High School, College, & Career GoalCreate goal categories to guide students toward setting goals and outlining their short- and long-term aspirations.

Buddies in Success

Pair younger students with older students as success buddies to help foster mentorship for goal and task management.

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