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Naviance Curriculum

Naviance Curriculum Overview

The Naviance College and Career Readiness Curriculum is a blended learning solution for students in grades 6 to 12 that aids in developing important non-cognitive skills and college knowledge. It gives students confidence so they will persevere to accomplish their long-term academic and professional goals.

Contact your Naviance representative for more information on curriculum lessons for grades K - 5.

The online, self-paced lessons in the Naviance Curriculum, created in partnership with Roadtrip Nation, cover a wide range of themes to ensure that students have the knowledge they need to be ready for the transition from middle school to high school and from high school to beyond. Lesson themes include:

  • Self-Discovery
  • Success Skills
  • Support Network
  • Career Planning
  • College Planning
  • Financial Planning
Some Curriculum lessons include videos hosted by Vimeo. If your school's network does not allow access to, ask your IT staff to whitelist the Vimeo video links. Download the whitelist document from the Naviance Knowledge Base in the PowerSchool Community. Select PowerSchool Community from the Get Help menu in Naviance to access the Community.

Plan Your Implementation

Successful implementation of the Naviance Curriculum starts with a plan. Follow these steps to develop an implementation plan for your school or district.

If you are interested in learning more about Naviance consulting services, contact your Naviance representative.

Determine your Rollout Strategy

Consider your existing college and career readiness instruction, and then determine, prepare for, and communicate your rollout strategy.

Select a Rollout StrategyConsider your CurriculumPrepare for the RolloutCommunicate with StudentsCommunicate with Staff
Flipped Counseling ModelYou want students to work at their own place and primarily complete Curriculum lessons outside the classroom.Give students information on how to access and use the Curriculum.

Explain the benefits of using the Curriculum to students, parents, and guardians.

Announce your Curriculum rollout during homeroom, advisory classes, or Back to School night.

Hold a teacher awareness session to give them an overview of the Curriculum.
Instructor LedYour students are enrolled in a required college and career readiness course.Train a staff member to be an in-class facilitator of the Curriculum.Augment your existing curriculum with Naviance Curriculum.Train staff on the core Naviance components, including accessing the Curriculum.
Supplement Existing InstructionsYour core classes, such as English and Social Studies, cover college- and career-related topics.Supplement existing instruction with Curriculum lessons.Introduce the Curriculum during a lesson on college and career readiness.Share ideas on how staff can introduce Naviance activities in their core classes.

Engage Students

Generate excitement with students.

  • Customize your Naviance Student Welcome Message with Naviance Curriculum information and instructions.
  • Designate Naviance Curriculum student ambassadors to provide training and support to other students as they go through lessons.

  • Create an incentive program for students based on lesson completion.

Engage Instructors

Ask your instructors to:

  • Share information on using the Naviance Curriculum during teacher in-service days.
  • View lesson plans for your students' assigned lessons and see how you can use the suggested additional activities in your regular classroom sessions.

  • Monitor your students' progress and activity through reporting.

  • Use the built-in diagnostic assessment to gauge your class's strengths and weaknesses and determine where additional focus is needed.

Form an Implementation Team

Form an implementation team to assist with your Naviance Curriculum rollout.

  • Counselors can lead the Naviance Curriculum implementation team and delegate activities. They can introduce the Curriculum to students, parents, and guardians via information sessions. After the students start their lessons, counselors can continue communicating with them through Naviance.
  • Teachers can use the Curriculum in the classroom. They can incorporate lessons into existing instructions or follow the grade-level Curriculum lessons.
  • Student ambassadors can provide motivation and assistance to students as they are going through the Curriculum.

Assign Responsibilities

Assign responsibilities to your implementation team, including:

  • Configure Curriculum user settings in Naviance.
  • Introduce the Curriculum to students.
  • Communicate to students and parents via e-mail.
  • Create a welcome message on the Naviance Student home page introducing the Curriculum.
  • Review Naviance Student and Curriculum usage via reporting.

Set Deadlines

Set deadlines for your implementation team to make the Naviance Curriculum available to students as soon as possible.

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