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Release notes 2024

October 2024

Product area






October 10, 2024


Report linking updated

When reviewing survey results, the college application and scholarship report buttons now link to Reports 3.0 instead of 2.0.

Data Import

October 8, 2024


Increased to manual import file

The school-level manual imports for student data imports have been increased from 15k rows to over 50k rows.

Success Planner

October 8, 2024


Success Planner 1.0 tasks for Portfolio now available

Two new Portfolio built-in tasks have been added to Success Planner 1.0. The new tasks are named Add portfolio entries and Create a portfolio share link. Both tasks will be available to district- and school-level staff users. The Add portfolio entries task will allow staff users to set the number of Portfolio entries a student must create to complete the task. The Create a portfolio share link task will require the student to create and save a new link to complete the task.

Note: Staff users must go to Planner and select Dashboard for these two new tasks to appear.


October 8, 2024


New Usage Reports 3.0

This release of Reports 3.0 includes summary and detailed reports on student and parent usage and provides login data by month, academic year and all time.


October 8, 2024


New Course Planner Reports 3.0

This release of Reports 3.0 includes summary and detailed information on the plans of study and career pathways that students have selected. In addition, we have added detailed and summary course demand reports which provide data on course requests by student, course, and planned year.


October 4, 2024


Bulk emails time-out

Customers couldn’t use email communication for bulk emails because the page timed out while building the mailing list and scheduling the communication.

This issue has been fixed and several enhancements were made.

  • The email system now supports sending over 100k emails.

  • Users can now search the mailing recipients list by student name or parent name.

  • The recipients list is paginated for easier navigation.

  • Students and parents with missing emails are marked as N/A and appear in red. They can access the email in Naviance Student.

  • In the email history, users can search the recipients list by student name or parent name.

September 2024

Product area






September 30, 2024


Email sender's name is removed as the contact when sending a group email to students or parents

When the email system technology was updated, the sender’s name was missing in the emails. This happened when we switched from PHP to a new system. This issue has now been addressed and the sender’s name now appears along with the email address

PowerBuddy AI

September 16, 2024


PowerBuddy for College & Career released

PowerBuddy for College & Career, an AI-powered chatbot assistant for students, is now available for all districts. In this initial launch, PowerBuddy will allow students to explore college and career content across Naviance and trusted sources and get relevant insights, answers, and information without searching and aggregating information from across Naviance. PowerBuddy can be enabled on a grade-by-grade basis using a new permission​ on the Select and Update Optional Features page at each school​. Stay tuned in future months as we release more PowerBuddy functionality, content and configuration tools.


September 12, 2024


College reports statuses

An issue was fixed that prevented the CA Match Status and FERPA Waived Status fields from populating the college reports unless the student had submissions. These statuses now appear for all students.

Test Prep

September 11, 2024


TestPrep SAT Content Updated for 2024

Table of Contents: All lesson content has been updated to:

  • reflect new Digital SAT structure and nomenclature

  • remove outdated content such as practice questions that used no change as an answer option

  • replace outdated content like Scoring your test

  • remove lessons that were redundant or repetitive or no longer relevant

Tests: All eight exams have been fully revamped to:

  • Reflect the new section structure, time limits and number of questions

  • Replace all Reading and Writing and Language questions with new Reading and Writing questions.

Practice: All Reading and Writing and Language practice questions were removed and replaced with new Reading and Writing practice questions.

Study Plan: Those same 110 new practice questions have been placed into five separate assignments

Data integration

September 10, 2024


Flexible auto-map toggle for Teacher(D) role in Clever integration

Users can now toggle the auto-map functionality on or off for the Teacher(D) role to pull all teachers from Clever. This provides flexibility, allowing districts to either automatically import all teachers from the teacher file or selectively choose titles based on their specific needs.

August 2024

Product area






August 7, 2024


Expanded Email History

An enhancement has been made to the Email History in Naviance. Users can now access sent emails beyond the current one-year limit. Additionally, users can leverage advanced search capabilities to find specific emails based on sender, date range, and subject. These updates aim to improve the overall user experience. This update helps users reference previous communications during key points in the school year.

Data integration

August 6, 2024


Student middle name size increased to 30 characters

The student middle name field has been increased to accommodate up to 30 characters, aligning with the longer middle names coming from PS SIS. Users should no longer encounter issues with middle names up to 30 characters in length.

About me

August 6, 2024


New Portfolio Launches

A new Portfolio has launched in Naviance Student. Students will now have one tool where they can:

  • Log and keep track of academic achievements, extracurricular activities, work experience, and more.

  • Discover how their experiences align to careers of interest through capabilities, which include abilities, knowledge set, and skills.

  • Share evidence of their development with key stakeholders in print and digital formats.

  • Create multiple versions of their portfolio, customizing content for each to meet various needs.

An update to our top navigation to enhance your Naviance Student experience will also be included in the Portfolio launch. The About Me section will be more prominent in the top navigation, making it easier for students to access features such as the new Portfolio experience, Resume, Surveys, and more. The existing student initial icon will remain and will now be referred to as My Account.

July 2024

Product area






July 24, 2024


Retirement of legacy surveys

While functionality to Surveys 2.0 is continually updated, legacy Survey functionality has been removed.

Legacy surveys:

  • Display Retired Surveys on the Survey Builder page and in student accounts.

  • Can no longer be created, edited, or deleted.

  • Not started or incomplete are no longer be available in Naviance Student.

  • Are no longer available as an option for Success Planner tasks.


July 25, 2024


Retirement of legacy reports and reports 2.0

As we move toward a single location to access all student and system data, we have removed all legacy and 2.0 reports in Naviance for which there is parity in Reports 3.0. Review the list of 3.0 reports and descriptions along with the equivalent legacy and 2.0 reports that have been sunset.


July 24, 2024


Counselor filter in Reports 3.0

As Reports 3.0 continue to be enhanced, a new Counselor filter has been added to all school-level reports. Both school and district users now have the capability to choose one or multiple counselors when running a report.

This filter will not be available for counselors who are assigned to students and have the User can view data for assigned students only option selected for their user account.


July 23, 2024


Surveys batch update responses not populating all students

The College Acceptance feature failed to populate all students with submitted responses due to the UI limitation on the number of student responses loaded. Only 25 responses were shown at a time. The code logic was updated and all students from a particular class year will be shown without the need for processing 25 data points at a time.

College planning

July 18, 2024


Match powered by Concourse added to Colleges homepage and menu in Naviance Student

If enabled by the district or school, the Colleges menu and homepage will display Match powered by Concourse from Apply to College. Match powered by Concourse lets students create and submit an anonymous profile from Naviance to the Match platform. From there, students can access the Match platform directly to complete and publish their profile for the opportunity to receive offers of admission and financial aid from partnering Match colleges and universities.

College planning

July 18, 2024


Match powered by Concourse added to the district Setup page and the School Select and Update Optional Features page

From the Setup page in Naviance District Edition, district users can now enable Match powered by Concourse for grade 11 and 12 students at all schools within their district, or enable Match powered by Concourse as an optional feature for their school staff to enable from the Select and Update Optional Features page.

College planning

July 17, 2024


Duplicate colleges in Naviance

Naviance was displaying duplicate college entries in Naviance under specific conditions. The code logic has been adjusted to prevent the creation of duplicate college records.


July 15, 2024


New Scholarship Report 3.0

This release of Reports 3.0 includes the Scholarship Data report which provides all details, qualifications, and contact info entered for school and district scholarships.

Work-based learning

July 10, 2024


Work-Based Learning apply verbiage updated

The language on the ‘Apply’ button in Work-Based Learning was changed to I Plan to Apply. With this change, it will be clearer to students that by selecting the button they are letting staff know they intend to apply rather than have already applied. No other Naviance work-based learning functionality has changed as part of this update. Students will still need to review and follow the application instructions in the work-based learning opportunity to take the next steps.


July 9, 2024


New Career Reports 3.0

This release of Reports 3.0 includes summary and detailed information on favorited careers, career clusters, and career pathways. In addition to the data you are used to finding in Careers reports, you will also find details on students' military choices.

Naviance Student

July 8, 2024


Naviance Student school logo fixed

The school logo in Naviance Student displayed a broken image. This is now resolved and Naviance Student displays the logo appropriately again.

Course planner

July 2, 2024


Export parent-approved student course plans

This new feature lets staff bulk export all parent-approved student courses at the school, helping them understand the number of course plans approved by parents.


July 1, 2024


New Scholarship Reports 3.0

This release of Reports 3.0 includes summary and detailed information on favorited, applied, and awarded scholarships. In addition, the report preview for all reports was updated to 100 records to help with performance and decrease the time it takes to load a report preview.

June 2024

Product area





Data integration

June 27, 2024


Ability to only review mapped roles in the log file for Clever Staff Data Integration

District users will only have the ability to review mapped roles in the log file for Clever Staff Data Integration. Clients can clear Include only mapped roles in the log file when needed and download the entire log. The setting remains checked by default.

Data integration

June 18, 2024


Clever staff integration - New

Importing staff data from Clever into Naviance is now available. This feature allows districts to maintain a unified source of staff records, streamlining the process and enhancing data management. After the integration is established, staff records are created and updated in Naviance, using Clever as the single source of truth.

College planning

June 14, 2024


Scholarship exports now display Award Amount and Max Award in separate columns

Naviance Scholarships now displays Award Amount and Max Award fields in separate columns in the export file, rather than merging them into the Max Amount column. Displaying the Award Amount and Max Award columns separately in the export gives schools more clarity on the award amount value including varies, specific amount, unknown, and see description as well as the max award value, which must be a numerical value.


June 13, 2024


Scholarship data export file displays incorrect deadline date/year

The Scholarship Data export file displayed an incorrect deadline date/year because the Deadline column was formatted incorrectly as DD-MM. All other exports use the format MM/DD/YYYY.

The issue was fixed by correcting the format. The deadline now displays MM/DD/YYYY.


Jun 10, 2024


Inactive student filter added to success planner Reports 3.0

The Student Task Activity Detail and Student Program Activity Detail reports in Reports 3.0 now include a filter and column for student status, allowing inactive students to be included when running the reports.


Jun 10, 2024


New Plans and Outcomes Reports 3.0

This release of Reports 3.0 includes summary and detailed views of student plans and outcomes, including primary and secondary pathway data.

May 2024

Product area






May 31, 2024


Customize and save reports in Reports 3.0

Users can now save their preferred filters and columns per report using Custom Reports in Reports 3.0. This will allow for quick access to the details needed per report, without having to re-add custom filters and columns each time.

College planning

May 30, 2024


College Maps displaying an error

An invalid map-key previously prevented the display of College Maps. The map key was updated, and users can review the College Map without any issues.


May 30, 2024


Canceled emails not displaying the correct status for students

Canceled emails did not display the correct delivery status. While all parent emails correctly displayed the Not Sent status, student emails displayed No problems reported. This issue was resolved and canceled emails now correctly display the status Not Sent for students when reviewing the email history.


May 29, 2024


New Self-Discovery Assessment Reports 3.0

release of Reports 3.0 includes summary and detailed views of StrengthsExplorer and all AchieveWorks Assessments, including individual student results.


May 23, 2024


Activate, inactive, and edit survey features

This release includes.

  1. Activate and inactivate surveys: Staff can now enable or disable surveys. This feature allows staff to make surveys available to students only when needed, ensuring better control and timing.

  2. Edit surveys: Staff can now edit survey questions at any time without needing to create a new survey. This will save time and streamline the process of updating surveys.


May 14, 2024


Preview image in email in draft Email

Images copied and pasted into a draft email did not appear during a preview. This issue has been fixed and JPG and PNG images copied and pasted into a draft email now appear during a preview.

College planning

May 10, 2024


Corrected Scattergrams Application Deadline Symbols

Naviance Student was not displaying scattergram symbols correctly. This issue, caused by data not being sent to the graphs, is now fixed. Scattergrams now display symbols such as early decision application statistics correctly.

April 2024

Product area





Career planning

April 30, 2024


Access to Search Job Opportunities

Search Job Opportunities, in the Careers list of Naviance Student, lets students search for active employment, apprenticeships, or internships using filters to find options that align with their interests. Starting this month, students are not required to link Headed2 accounts to access the feature. Staff can disable the job search tool by grade level, but it will be enabled by default.


April 30, 2024


New self-discovery assessment reports 3.0

The recent release of Reports 3.0 includes summary and detailed views of Career Interest Profiler, Career Cluster Finder and Career Key assessments, including individual student results.

Career planning

April 18, 2024


Explore Local Opportunities

Explore Local Opportunities enables students to better understand their local economies and explore careers or industries with significant growth potential. Content is available for students in Michigan with future expansion to additional states anticipated.


April 16, 2024


Reports 3.0: Success planner 2.0 reporting

Three reports that support the tracking of Success Planner 2.0 student engagement and completion are now available in Reports 3.0.

  • Success Planner 2.0 Summary

  • Success Planner 2.0 Summary by Student

  • Success Planner 2.0 Detail


April 11, 2024


Resolved overlapping responses in Surveys pie chart

Previously, staff encountered an issue where responses overlapped in the pie chart view, making it difficult to review the data.

To resolve this issue, the responses now appear in the horizontal bar graph format. This ensures that all responses are presented clearly and without overlap, allowing staff to review the data comprehensively in a graphical format.

March 2024

Product area





Success planner 2.0

March 27, 2024


Time-limited task status

A new path task status to Success Planner 2.0 called Time Limited Task is now available. This status populates when a path task is not completed before the completion time limit date.  If a student completes a path task before the completion time limit date, the status displays Completed.  Now you’ll know whether or not students completed a path task on time.

No action needs to be taken by staff or students. The new status appears in the new Success Planner 2.0 section of the student folder and our soon-to-be-released Success Planner 2.0 reports in Reports 3.0.


March 19, 2024


Export survey response

You can now efficiently export survey responses based on selected class years.

With this release:

  • Export survey responses for the selected class years.

  • Export responses for all class years when no specific class year is selected.

  • Export responses are in a ZIP file, which includes individual CSV files for each class year.

February 2024

Product area






February 29, 2024


Reports 3.0: College and eDocs Reports

This latest set of reports covers college and eDocs data. In addition to reports you are familiar with such as College Applications Summary, Student College Applications Detail, and eDocs activity reports, PowerSchool is also launching new reports including:

  • Students with No Colleges I’m Thinking About

  • Students with No Colleges I’m Applying To

  • Students with No Applications Materials

Reports 3.0 also includes new data fields to sort overdue teacher recommendations and applications by colleges that require mid-year reports and counselor evaluations.


February 27, 2024


Curriculum action items are not creating to-dos

When students are asked to create action items within certain Curriculum lessons, such as My College Applications, those action items are not being created as To-dos in the Planner area of Naviance Student.

Success planner 2.0

February 20, 2024


Success Planner 2.0 phase 1

Success Planner 2.0 has been released. This release does not replace current Success Planner. It is a pre-built set of self-guided Path Tasks, defined by Naviance, for students to complete based on their grade level and chosen post-secondary path.  A complete scope and sequence of Path Tasks is available in both the staff and student help centers.

Any client can use Success Planner 2.0, Phase 1, but we recommend it for clients that do not currently use Success Planner, or use it sparingly since there is potential for the Naviance-defined sequence of Path Tasks to conflict with a district’s already created Success Planner tasks.

Success Planner 2.0 can be enabled by updating the Path Tasks row from the Home Page section in Select and Update Optional Features. A new district and school permission, View student Success Planner 2.0, must be enabled to review reporting in the Student Folder.

January 2024

Product area





College planning

January 24, 2024


New notification of Common App student account deletion

If a student decides to delete their Common App account after completing the matching process in Naviance, the Send page in the student folder now displays a new “Unmatched” status and tooltip. An alert is also displayed in the Documents Submitted to All Common App section.

Data integration

January 11, 2024


PS Student Data Integration supports built-in counselor of PS SIS

Users can now select a built-in Counselor option while mapping the Counselor field in the PS SIS-Student Integration. This will map the counselor to the student.

The PS SIS Student Integration will now have three options for the Counselor field:

  • Do not import

  • {StudentCounselor}UserDCID

  • Select custom field

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