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Settings for Login

Assign Staff User Role Permissions

If staff log in with a Naviance ID, consider assigning the following permissions to user roles:

User Role Permission


Change my emailChange the email associated with their Naviance account.
Change my passwordChange their Naviance password.
Change my usernameChange their Naviance username.
Naviance does not recommend assigning these permissions for district-managed user roles or when using Clever or Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) single sign-on (SSO).

To set up a SAML connection, assign the following user role permissions:

User Role Permission


Administer District SettingsChange district account information, including SAML setup.
Administer General School SettingsChange school account information, including SAML setup.

Select Naviance Student Settings

Student Edit Permissions

Naviance recommends enabling the following permissions if students will use Native Login.

Naviance does not recommend enabling these permissions if students will log in via Clever or SAML SSO.

Student Edit Permissions


Edit email address

Add or edit the email address in their Naviance account.

Edit usernameChange their username.
Edit passwordCreate and manage their password.

Parent Edit Permissions

Naviance recommends turning on the following permissions if parents and guardians will use Native Login.

Naviance does not recommend enabling these permissions if parents and guardians will log in via SAML SSO.

Parent Edit Permissions


Edit email address

Add or edit the email address in their Naviance account.

Edit usernameChange their username.
Edit passwordCreate and manage their password.

Registration and Sign-In Options

The following options apply to login options for all user types including student, parent or guardian, alumni, and guests:

Registration and Sign-In Options


Allow registration without an email
  • Use to determine login with email or username or login with Username only.
  • When On is selected:
    • Users are prompted to create a username when registering.
    • Users are prompted to log in with a username, not an email.
Hide option to reset password
  • Use to manage Forgot your password? on the Naviance Student login page.
  • When On is selected, the login page does not display Forgot your password.
Hide I need to register link
  • Use to manage I'm new and need to register! on the Naviance Student login page.
  • When On is selected, the login page does not display I'm new and need to register.

Activate Naviance Student

Before students, parents, and guardians can log in to Naviance Student, you must activate the website.

  1. Navigate to Connections and select Naviance Student.
  2. Select Activate Website.
  3. From Activate Site, select Site is On and click Change Status.
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