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Clever Single Sign-On

If you manage staff or student data via Clever, you can also use Clever's single sign-on (SSO) feature.


Districts can give students access to Naviance Student using the Clever portal or a Clever Instant Login link. Consult Clever for more information.

You must activate Naviance Student for students to log in successfully.

  1. Navigate to Connections and select Naviance Student.
  2. Select Activate Website.
  3. From Activate Site, select Site is On and click Change Status.


After you have completed the integration setup in Naviance, staff can access Naviance using the Naviance icon in the Clever portal. Users who have accounts at multiple schools will be able to access all accounts from a single location.

  1. From the Clever for District portal, select the Naviance icon.
  2. Choose your school from the list to log in to Naviance Succeed.
  3. If there are multiple schools in your list, navigate to the gear icon and select Switch Profile to return to your school list.
  4. Choose another school from the list.
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