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Manage Staff User Accounts

To manage staff user accounts from Naviance or Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon, then select Setup. Next, choose User Admin or User Administration to review account information for active users.

Click resend invite if a user's account activation link has expired.

Create a User Account

  1. From Naviance or Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon, then select Setup.
  2. Choose User Admin or User Administration.

  3. From Options, select Add New User.

    If you are creating an account for a teacher and a Teacher Import has been completed, select the user's name from the Existing people list. Enter additional information for the user and confirm the Permissions Role.
  4. From the Add User page, enter the user's information.
    • Enter a Federated ID if you are a district or standalone school implementing Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and use Federated ID as the Federation type.
    • Enter an active E-mail. An email will be sent to this email address so the user can create their Naviance ID. If you are a school or district implementing SAML and uses email as the Federation type, an email will not be sent to the user.
    • If a user has an account at more than one school in a district, use the same email for each school so the user can link their accounts.
    • Select User should appear in the list of teachers so students can request a teacher letter of recommendation in Naviance Student.
    • Select User should appear in the list of counselors to assign a user as a counselor.
    • Select a Zone restriction to restrict district users from accessing all school-level Naviance accounts.
  5. Click Add User. An email will be sent so that the user can set up their Naviance ID.

Edit User Accounts

  1. From Naviance or Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon, then select Setup.
  2. Choose User Admin or User Administration.

    If staff are logging in using Naviance ID, the page displays resend invite for each user who has not verified their account. Select resend invite to send another email invitation to the staff member. After the staff member has claimed the ID in the email, the option to resent invite will no longer be available. From the Naviance ID column, review the email that is associated with the staff member's Naviance ID.

  3. Select edit for the desired user.
  4. Update the user's information.

    Staff user accounts cannot be deleted. Instead, change the Status to Inactive.
  5. Click Update User.

Show Inactive Users

  1. From Naviance or Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon, then select Setup.
  2. Choose User Admin or User Administration.

  3. From Options, select Show Inactive Users to display a list of active and inactive users.

    To reactivate an inactive user, click edit for the desired account, update the Status to Active, then click Update User.

Show School Users

This feature is only available in Naviance District Edition.
  1. From Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon, then select Setup.
  2. Choose User Admin or User Administration.

  3. From Options, select Show School Users to display a list of active school users.

Review the Usage Report

This feature is only available in Naviance District Edition.

Access school and district login statistics for the last three school years. The statistics only include login with a Naviance ID.

  1. From Naviance District Edition, navigate to the gear icon, then select Setup.
  2. Choose User Admin or User Administration.

  3. From Options, select Usage Report to display usage statistics for district users.

  4. Select school users to display usage statistics for school users.
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