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Set Up Scholarships

To set up Scholarships:

  1. Assign staff user role permissions.
  2. Select Naviance Student settings.
  3. Create a scholarship list.
  4. Optionally, assign scholarship-related tasks to students.

Assign Staff User Role Permissions


Assign the following permissions to district-level user roles so that district staff can access scholarship information in Naviance.

User Role Permission


Add/edit scholarships

Add or edit scholarships at the district level.

View scholarships

Review student's scholarship applications and results.


Assign the following permissions to user roles so that staff can access scholarship information in Naviance.

User Role Permission


Add/edit scholarships

Add or edit scholarships at the district level.

View scholarships

Review student's scholarship applications and results.

Select Naviance Student Settings

Select the following features so students can access and act on Scholarships features in Naviance Student.



Colleges Section

Enables the Colleges menu, including the Scholarships and Money section.

Scholarships - Local and RegionalEnables the Scholarship Search feature.
Scholarships - College SpecificEnables College-Specific Scholarships feature.
National Scholarship SearchEnables the National Scholarship Search feature.

Student Edit permissions


Add or edit scholarships awarded

Student can access and maintain a Favorites scholarship list.

Build a Scholarship List

To build a scholarship list:

  • Import scholarship data.
  • Manually add scholarships.

Add Scholarships

  1. Select Scholarships from the main navigation.
  2. Click Create Scholarship.
  3. Enter the scholarship details and then click:
    • Save Draft if you will publish the scholarship later.
    • Publish to make the scholarship available in Naviance Student.

      To unpublish a scholarship, click Revert to Draft.

Assign Success Plan Tasks Related to Scholarships

Assign the following tasks to students to track students' progress in searching and applying for scholarships.

If using Naviance District Edition, edit and assign tasks at the district level to monitor and track task completion for all schools in the district.
Task NameCompletion Trigger
Apply for Scholarships

Student adds one scholarship to their favorites list.

Edit the task and change the threshold number to increase the number of scholarships that students must add to their favorites list.
Scholarship Search

The student displays a page within Scholarship Search or College-Specific Scholarships in Naviance Student.

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