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Report descriptions

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District reports


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Parent Naviance Student Usage Summary

The number of parents who have visited Naviance Student, the total parent visits per school, and the average number of visits per parent user.

Track parent adoption of Naviance Student by school.

Student Naviance Student Usage Summary

The number of students who have visited Naviance Student, total visits per school, and the average number of visits per active student user.

Track student adoption of Naviance Student and compare student usage by school.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Plan Milestone Completion by School

The percentage of plan milestone completion by school.

Tracks schools' completion rate of milestones.

Plan Milestone Completion Graph

The percentage of plan milestone completion by school in a chart.

Track plan milestone information in a graph.

Plan Milestone Completion Summary

The completion standard, the percentage completed, and the number of students who completed a milestone on a per-milestone basis.

Assess a summary of milestone completion rates.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Outcome Trends by Gender

The percentage of students by gender who achieved a particular post-secondary outcome in a chart.

Assess student outcomes on a gender basis.

Outcome Trends by School

The percentage of students at each zone, on a per class year basis, who have achieved a particular post-secondary outcome in a chart.

Compare school outcomes at various levels of specificity.

Student Outcome Detail

All post-secondary outcomes and the number of students in the district who have the outcome in a chart.

Review postsecondary outcome totals including key informational breakouts.

Student Outcomes by Category

All post-secondary outcomes and the percentage of students in the district who have chosen each outcome in a chart.

Review outcome statistics in a categorical way for insight into the choices made by various demographics.

Student Outcomes Summary

A summary of the other student outcome reports without gender and ethnicity breakdowns

Review overall, aggregated statistics about student outcomes without demographic breakdowns.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Detailed List by Scholarship

The scholarships awarded to students in the district by scholarship, including total dollars per scholarship and aggregate dollars awarded.

Track scholarships awarded by the scholarship to see which scholarships have awarded the most often/most money to students.

Detailed List by School

The students who have been awarded scholarships, scholarships won, the amount of money awarded, the total per student, and the total money awarded to students in the district.

Track scholarships in a more student-centered way to see which students have won which scholarships and how much they have been awarded.

Summary List by Scholarship

A summary list of scholarships, the number of students who won them, and the total amount of dollars awarded.

Review a summary of the information from the detailed list.

Summary List by Student

A summarized list of students, how many scholarships they won, and the dollars awarded.

Review a summary of the information from the detailed list.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

College Admissions Class Profile

An overview of a grade year's college admissions statistics such as the number of students, average GPA and test scores, number of submitted apps, apps per student, and acceptance rate.

Review the district's profile information for a class year's college admissions information.

College Admissions Statistics

A list of colleges that students have applied to with the application result.

Assess the district's college acceptance statistics.

College Matriculation Non-US

A list of colleges outside of the US that students are matriculating to, the percentage of students in the district this represents, and the percentage of college matriculations in the district for the year.

Assess the percentage data for non-US matriculations and the countries to which the students are going.

College Matriculation US

A list of US states, the number of students attending college in that state, and the percentage of matriculations and students in the district.

Assess the percentage data for US matriculations.

College Score Profiles

A list of colleges to which students have applied with the average and minimum test scores and GPA for accepted students and the percentage of acceptances.

Review data about the scores and GPA that make an acceptance more likely.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Test Averages by Ethnicity and Gender

The average SAT and ACT score, broken down by subscore for gender and ethnicity groups in the district.

Review student test scores by demographic group.

Test Ranges

The test score range for the middle 50% of test takers, the mean test scores and subscores, and the number of students tested.

Review test scores including the middle 50% of scores.

Test Ranges AP

All AP tests that students have taken in the specified time period and the number of students per score.

Review the results of AP tests and assess their summary statistics to understand which AP tests students are having the most and least success.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose
Current Task Completion StatusThe task completion status for all students in a grade year across all schools in the district.Assess student task completion at a granular level.

Goal Category Completion Status

A list of all students, their class year, school, and the number of goals they created.

Assess student goal setting at a granular level.

Program Completion Status

The program completion status for all students in a grade year across all schools in the district.

Review detailed program status.

Program Completion Summary

Lists all assigned district programs, their completion targets, the actual completion rate for students assigned to the programs, and the percentage of students who completed the program out of the total number of students assigned.

Review summary statistics for district program completion.

Task Completion Summary

All district tasks assigned to students, the task's completion target, the number of students who completed the task out of the total number assigned, and the completion rate.

Displays summary statistics about task completion on the district level. Filters allow these summary statistics to be more focused if needed.

School reports


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Class Profiles

Profile data by class year, including test scores, applications submitted, and acceptance rates, if available.

Review overview information about class years for comparative purposes.

AchieveWorks® Learning and Productivity

A list of all students in a class year, their Learning and Productivity status, and links to their Learning and Productivity reports.

Review student completion rate and outcomes on the Learning and Productivity assessment.

Parent Usage

A list of parents for a class year, including their total number of visits and the date and time of their most recent visit if they are registered Naviance Student users.

Gain insight into parent usage of Naviance Student.

Student Data

A list of students in a class year, along with test scores, GPAs, and course program strength.

Gain insight into individual student information on key success metrics.

Student Outcome List

A list of students by class year, their post-secondary outcomes, and, if available, outcome details.

Review a full list of student outcomes for a class.

Student Outcome Statistics Detail

A list of outcomes and the number of students who achieved each outcome during a given time period, broken down by gender and ethnicity.

Gives schools insight into the gender and ethnicity breakdown for post-secondary outcomes.

Student Outcomes Statistics Summary

A list of outcomes and the number and percentage of students who achieved each outcome.

Gives an overview of student outcome percentages.

Student Usage

A list of all students by class year, their registration status, user IDs, total Naviance Student visits, date of the last visit, and built-in survey status.

Gain insight into student adoption of Naviance Student.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Scholarship Detail by Scholarship

A list of scholarships, the students to whom it was awarded, the amount awarded by student, the total amount awarded by scholarship, and the total amount of awarded scholarships.

Track scholarships awarded to assess which scholarships were awarded most often and the most money to students.

Scholarship Detail by Student

A list of students who have received scholarships, the amount of money awarded per student, and the school total.

Track scholarships in a more student-centered way to assess which students have won which scholarships and how much they have been awarded.

Scholarship Summary by Scholarship

A summary list of scholarships, the number of students who received them, and the total amount of money awarded.

Provides the information from the detailed list in a more summarized form, giving different insights into the data.

Scholarship Summary by StudentA list of students, the number and total amount of scholarships awarded.Provides the information from the detailed list in a more summarized form, giving different insights into the data.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Assessment Status

A list of students and their StrengthsExplorer® and Career Interest Profiler assessment results.

Assess which students have and have not taken assessments and access students' results.

Career Cluster by Student

A list of students and the career clusters and pathways in which they have expressed interest.

Assess students' interest in various career clusters and. pathways.

Career Key® Assessment Status

A list of students and the current status of their Career Key® assessment.

Assess which students have taken the assessment and review the report results.

Careers by Student

A list of students and the careers they favorited Naviance Student.

Assess careers students are interested in.

Students by Career

A list of careers with the number of students who expressed interest in the career in Naviance Student.

Assess the career interest for students in a class year.

Students By Career Cluster

A list of career clusters with the number of students who expressed interest in the career cluster in Naviance Student.

Assess the general career interest for students in a given class year.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Applications by College

A list of applications by college with test scores, application types, results, and other information to be downloaded as a PDF or CSV file.

Track applications to colleges and review results.

Applications by Student

A list of students and their submitted applications along with test scores, application types, results, and other information to be downloaded as a PDF or CSV file.

Track student applications and their results.

College Matriculation

A list of students and their matriculating college, as well as type and location

Assess matriculation information for all students in a class year for detailed tracking.


A list of universities and their various deadlines.

To have a list of deadlines at hand.

eDocs Online Application Form Submission Status

A list of students, their applications, and the status of their forms submitted electronically via eDocs.

Track eDocs form submission.

Expected Outcomes

A list of college outcomes and the percentage of students expected to achieve each outcome.

Assess staff reported outcomes for college admissions.

Matriculation Non-US

A list of non-US colleges to which students are matriculating by year and the number and percentage of students matriculating.

Assess the percentage data for non-US matriculations and the countries to which the students are going.

Matriculation US

A list of US states, the number and percentage of students attending college in that state.

Assess where in the US students are matriculating.

Prospective Summary

A list of colleges, the total number of students who have added it to their list, and the person who added it to their list.

Review a summary of colleges that students are interested and who is driving that interest.

Score Profiles

A list of each college with summary statistics on the average and minimum SAT scores, ACT scores, and GPAs of accepted students.

Assess a college's score profile range for prospective students.

Student Application Summary

A list of students, their test scores, GPA, and application result statistics.

Gain insight into application outcomes by college.

Teacher Recommendations - Students By Teacher

A list of teachers with each student's recommendation request.

Review who has requested recommendations for what teacher.

Teacher Recommendations - Summary Count

A list of teachers with the number of recommendations they have received.

Review a summary of teacher recommendations.

Teacher Recommendations

Lists students and teachers from whom they have requested recommendations.

Review students' requests for teacher recommendations.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

State Test - Detail

A list of students and their scores on a supported state exam that can be imported into Naviance.

Assess state test scores for a whole grade or for various demographic groups.

State Test - Summary

A summary of student performance on a supported state exam by demographic and student group.

Assess state test score summaries for various demographic groups.

IB Test Scores by Course

A list of students predicted and actual IB test scores, filtered by course.

Assess IB performance for courses.

IB Test Scores by Student

A list of students from a specific time period, their predicted IB test scores and actual test scores.

Assess student performance in IB courses.

Test Averages by Ethnicity and Gender

A list of average test scores for demographic groups over a specified time period.

Assess test averages broken down by gender and ethnicity.

Test Ranges

A list of various tests and their subsections, the middle 50% of scores, the mean, and the number of students tested.

Assess the school's average test scores and their statistical validity.

Test Ranges AP

A list of AP tests taken by students at the school, the number of students who received each score, as well as overall statistics.

Assess information about AP test results in an aggregation.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Current Task Completion Status

A list of students, current success plan tasks, and completion status.

Assess student task completion.

Goal Category Completion Status

A list of students, goal categories, and the current status of student goal setting in each category.

Assess students' goal setting for plan monitoring.

Goal Category Creation Summary

A list of goal categories, completion targets, creation rates, and creation details.

Assess summary overview of student goal-setting.

Program Completion Status

A list of students and their program completion rates.

Assess student program status for plan monitoring.

Program Completion Summary

A list of programs and their completion targets, completion rates, and completion details.

Assess statistics related to student program completion.

Task Completion SummaryA list of tasks and their completion targets, completion rates, and completion details.

Assess completion statistics related to student task completion.

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