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Report descriptions

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District reports


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Parent Naviance Student Usage Summary

The number of parents who have visited Naviance Student, the total parent visits per school, and the average number of visits per parent user.

Track parent adoption of Naviance Student by school.

Student Naviance Student Usage Summary

The number of students who have visited Naviance Student, total visits per school, and the average number of visits per active student user.

Track student adoption of Naviance Student and compare student usage by school.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Test Averages by Ethnicity and Gender

The average SAT and ACT score, broken down by subscore for gender and ethnicity groups in the district.

Review student test scores by demographic group.

Test Ranges

The test score range for the middle 50% of test takers, the mean test scores and subscores, and the number of students tested.

Review test scores including the middle 50% of scores.

Test Ranges AP

All AP tests that students have taken in the specified time period and the number of students per score.

Review the results of AP tests and assess their summary statistics to understand which AP tests students are having the most and least success.

School reports


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Class Profiles

Profile data by class year, including test scores, applications submitted, and acceptance rates, if available.

Review overview information about class years for comparative purposes.

Parent Usage

A list of parents for a class year, including their total number of visits and the date and time of their most recent visit if they are registered Naviance Student users.

Gain insight into parent usage of Naviance Student.

Student Usage

A list of all students by class year, their registration status, user IDs, total Naviance Student visits, date of the last visit, and built-in survey status.

Gain insight into student adoption of Naviance Student.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Score Profiles

A list of each college with summary statistics on the average and minimum SAT scores, ACT scores, and GPAs of accepted students.

Assess a college's score profile range for prospective students.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

State Test - Detail

A list of students and their scores on a supported state exam that can be imported into Naviance.

Assess state test scores for a whole grade or for various demographic groups.

State Test - Summary

A summary of student performance on a supported state exam by demographic and student group.

Assess state test score summaries for various demographic groups.

IB Test Scores by Course

A list of students predicted and actual IB test scores, filtered by course.

Assess IB performance for courses.

IB Test Scores by Student

A list of students from a specific time period, their predicted IB test scores and actual test scores.

Assess student performance in IB courses.

Test Averages by Ethnicity and Gender

A list of average test scores for demographic groups over a specified time period.

Assess test averages broken down by gender and ethnicity.

Test Ranges

A list of various tests and their subsections, the middle 50% of scores, the mean, and the number of students tested.

Assess the school's average test scores and their statistical validity.

Test Ranges AP

A list of AP tests taken by students at the school, the number of students who received each score, as well as overall statistics.

Assess information about AP test results in an aggregation.


Report nameDescriptionPurpose

Goal Category Completion Status

A list of students, goal categories, and the current status of student goal setting in each category.

Assess students' goal setting for plan monitoring.

Goal Category Creation Summary

A list of goal categories, completion targets, creation rates, and creation details.

Assess summary overview of student goal-setting.

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