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Parent Data Import Fields


  1. Review the parent data fields available for import into Naviance via a manual data import or via an automated import with School Sync.

  2. Note the required data fields and determine the recommended and optional fields to import.
  3. Download the parent data import template from the Naviance Knowledge Base in the PowerSchool Community. Select PowerSchool Community from the Get Help menu in Naviance to access the Community.
  4. Prepare the data file to import using the template as a guide.
  5. Import the data using the selected import method.

Parent Import Fields

Data FieldRequirementExampleInformation
Student IDRequired12345The unique identification number assigned to a student by the school or district.
Parent IDRecommended12345a

The unique identification number assigned to a parent or guardian.

Include parent ID numbers to link multiple students in the same school to a parent or guardian via a data import.
First NameRecommendedAnne

The first name of the parent or guardian.

Last NameRecommendedGarcia

The last name of the parent or guardian.

Full NameOptionalAnne GarciaThe full name of the parent. Use when combining multiple parents or guardians into one record.
Naviance Parent UsernameRequired if setting up SAML SSO otherwise optional.angarciaA unique identification name for a parent or guardian to use when accessing Naviance.
Federated IDRequired if setting up SAML SSO and using Federated ID as the Federation Type, otherwise not needed.hobsonss00000012349If setting up SAML SSO, do not add Federated ID if you use email as the Federation Type.
Naviance Student IDOptional but can use as an alternative to student ID.
The unique ID number Naviance generated for the student, different than the student ID.
Student AddressOptional12345

Use to indicate the parent or guardian has the same address as the student.

Enter the student id number.

Street Address 1Optional

123 19th St. SW

The parent or guardian's physical or mailing address.
Street Address 2Optional#45The parent or guardian's physical or mailing address.


The parent or guardian's physical or mailing address.


The parent or guardian's physical or mailing address. Enter an abbreviation or the full state name.
Zip CodeOptional20041The parent or guardian's physical or mailing address.
CountryOptionalUSThe parent or guardian's physical or mailing address.
OccupationOptionalArchitectThe parent or guardian's occupation.
Parent EmailRequired if setting up SAML SSO and using email as the Federation Type, otherwise recommended.anita.garcia@naviance.comParents or guardians can reset their own password when an email address is available in their Naviance account.
Home PhoneOptional202-123-4567The home phone number of the parent or guardian.
Work PhoneOptional202-345-2481The work phone number of the parent or guardian.
Mobile PhoneOptional301-345-2345The mobile phone number of the parent or guardian.
Has Financial ResponsibilityOptional


Use to indicate if the parent or guardian has financial responsibility for the student. Enter yes or no.
CustodialOptionalNoUse to indicate if the parent or guardian has custodial responsibility for the student. Enter yes or no.
CommunicationOptionalYesUse to indicate if the parent or guardian should be included in written and email communications sent from Naviance. Enter yes or no.
Alma MaterOptional1113

The College Board code for the parent or guardian's alma mater.

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