Use the Managers
Use the managers to assist with common tasks in Naviance.
- Application Manager
- Transcript Request Manager
- Multiple Transcript Manager
- Document Manager
- Teacher Recommendations
- Mailing Manager
Application Manager
The Application Manager displays a list of colleges students are applying to and allows counselors to determine where application materials need to be submitted or were already submitted. Using Naviance eDocs, submission status updates automatically for most colleges.
Review Students' Pending Applications
The Pending Apps section displays a list of institutions for which documents have not been sent in Naviance. If you are using Naviance eDocs, the Office Status updates automatically when you send documents. If you are not using eDocs, you can manually update the submission status of application materials in Naviance.
- From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Application Manager.
- Select Pending Apps.
- From the Pending Apps section:
- Use the search tools, including the advanced search, to display a particular list of pending applications.
- Select a college name to display the college profile in Naviance.
- Select a student name to navigate to the I'm Applying To page in the student's folder.
- Review and sort application deadline dates.
- Review applications for which transcripts were requested.
- Review the delivery type.
- Determine which students have a Common App Fee Waiver or Early Decision form to complete if using eDocs with Common App integration.
- Determine which Common App colleges require a mid-year report to be submitted.
Process Applications
- From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Application Manager.
- Select Pending Apps or Submitted Apps.
- Select the applications to process.
- From Process selected applications at the end of the application list, select an option from the list. Options include change status and milestones, print mailing labels to colleges, display printer-friendly list, and more.
Review Students' Submitted Applications
The Submitted Apps section displays a list of applications for which materials were submitted. Naviance automatically moves applications from the list of pending applications to the list of submitted applications when sending them via Naviance eDocs. If you are not using eDocs, you can manually update the submission status of application materials in Naviance.
- From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Application Manager.
- Select Submitted Apps.
- From the Submitted Apps section:
- Use the search tools, including the advanced search, to display a particular list of pending applications.
- Select a college name to display the college profile in Naviance.
- Select a student name to navigate to the I'm Applying To page in the student's folder.
Review Application History
Use the History feature in the Application Manager to display a list of staff who have taken action on applications, including the date and time, action, and more.
- From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Application Manager.
- Select history.
- Optionally, select a Grade or Class to review statistics for a particular class year.
- Select View Apps to display a list of applications affected by the processing activity.
Review an Application Summary for Your School
Review numbers and percentages for document submission and application statuses, outcomes, and application types by grade level or class.
- From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Application Manager.
- Select summary.
- Optionally, select a Grade or Class to review statistics for a particular class year.
Transcript Request Manager
The Transcript Request Manager allows staff members to monitor and manage students' requests for transcripts and record payment information.
Review and Update Request Details
From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Transcript Request Manager. From Requests, review a list of transcript requests made by students or counselors. Use the search feature to find specific transcript requests.
By default, the manager displays transcript requests made in the last seven days. To display transcript requests made in the last 14 days, 30 days, or other, select an option from the Show Me list and click go.
- Select the Recipient name or View to display details about the request, including the recipient's address.
Pending indicates a request was made but not processed.
NA indicates there was no request.
Select Update to manually enter transcript submission dates and update the request status. You can also select recipient has confirmed receipt of transcript to update the status in the Confirmed column.
When sending transcripts via Naviance eDocs, the pending request automatically displays the submission date without your needing to manually update the request status.
Display Transcript Requests by Student
From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Transcript Request Manager. From the Settings section, select a student name to display a complete list of transcript requests for that student.
Request a Transcript for a Student
- From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Transcript Request Manager.
- From Add Requests for this Student at the top of the manager, enter a student name.
- Optionally:
- From Release Transcripts for Current College Applications, select a college from the student's list of active applications and then click update.
- From Release Transcripts for New College Applications, use the Quicklist or college lookup tools to find and select a college and choose an App Type from the list.
- From Release Transcript for Other Recipients, enter the recipient information.
- Select Payment Options.
- Click add requests.
Record Payments
- From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Transcript Request Manager.
- Select Students and use the search tools to find the student for whom you want to record payment details.
- Select the student's name.
- Select record payment.
- Enter the payment information and click continue.
Teacher Recommendations
From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Teacher Manager.
Review and manage teacher letter of recommendation requests from a central location. Teachers can use the Teacher Recommendation Manager to cancel students' recommendation requests or manually update a request status. Counselors can use the Teacher Recommendation Manager to assess which teachers were requested to write recommendations for students and review letter of recommendation statuses.
- To update a request status, select the recommendation request to update. From Process selected recommendation requests, select a status and then click Go.
- From settings, manage letter of recommendation request settings for students.
Mailing Manager
From Quick Links on the Naviance homepage, select Mailing Manager. Choose to print mailing labels and envelopes for colleges, non-college transcript recipients, students, and parents.