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Set Up the Document Manager

To set up the Document Manager:

  1. Assign staff user role permissions.
  2. Create document folders.
  3. Add documents.

Assign staff user role permissions

Assign the following permissions to school-level user roles so school staff can access the document manager in Naviance.

User role permission
Master document administratorCreate folders, upload and delete documents, and have full access to the Document Manager.
Access Document ManagerAccess the Document Manager and add or remove documents.
View documentsAccess documents attached to the student folder.

Create a document folder

You must create folders before uploading any documents.

  1. From Quick Links on the homepage, select Document Manager.
  2. From Document Options, choose Create new folder.
  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select Sharing options.
  5. Click Save.

Manage documents and document folders

  1. From Quick Links on the homepage, select Document Manager.
  2. From Document Options, choose View folder list.
  3. Optionally, select a folder.
    1. Select edit folder to update the folder details, then click save.
    2. Select individual documents or all. From the Select documents and send list, choose Move to Trash or Move to Folder and a folder. Click go.

      Click Trash Bin from Document Options to access and undelete documents deleted within the last 30 days. You cannot access documents deleted more than 30 days ago.

Add a document for all students

  1. From Quick Links on the homepage, select Document Manager.
  2. From Document Options, choose Add New Document.

  3. Select a document folder from the Folder list.
  4. Optionally, enter a Description.
  5. Click Choose File, locate your document, then click Open.

    Documents with names longer than 40 characters will upload but not open.
  6. Click Upload Document.

Add a document for an individual student.

  1. From Naviance, navigate to a student or parent's folder.
  2. From General Student Info, select Documents.
  3. Select add journal entry.

  4. Select add.
  5. Choose a folder. Folders without an asterisk after the name are not shared with all students.
  6. Choose the file.
  7. Select upload document.

Review documents

  1. From Quick Links on the homepage, select Document Manager.
  2. From Document Options, choose Find documents.
  3. Choose an option from the View by Folder list, then click go.
  4. Optionally, use the search features to refine the list.
  5. From the list of documents:
    1. Click View to download the document.
    2. Click the document name to view, edit properties, replace, or delete.

      Naviance automatically adds all:
      • Data import files to the Data Import folder.
      • PDF files generated for envelopes to the Envelopes folder.
      • PDF files generated for labels to the Labels folder.
      • Documents added by you in the My Personal Files folder.

        Select documents, then from the Select documents and list, choose Move to Trash or Move to Folder and click go.

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