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College Application Data Fields


  1. Review the details of college application data fields that you can import into Naviance.
  2. Note the required data fields and determine the optional fields you want to import.
  3. Download the college application data import template from the Naviance Knowledge Base in the PowerSchool Community. Select PowerSchool Community from the Get Help menu in Naviance to access the Community.
  4. Prepare the data to import using the template as a guide.
  5. Manually import the data.

College Application Import Fields 

Data FieldRequirementExampleInformation
Naviance Student IDOptional but can use as an alternative to student ID. 253041The Naviance ID number for the student.
Student IDRequired but can use Naviance Student ID as an alternative.3094857The student ID number.
College Board IDRequired but can use ACT code, college name, NCES ID, or the Naviance college code as an alternative. 4075The college board ID number or CEEB code for the institution.
ACT CodeOptional but can used as an alternative to College Board ID.0504The ACT code for the institution.
College NameOptional but can use as an alternative to College Board ID.Colorado State UniversityThe institution name.


Optional but can use as an alternative to College Board ID.126818The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) ID number for the institution.
Naviance College CodeOptional but can use as an alternative to College Board ID.0afe890The Naviance code for the institution.
Naviance Division IDOptionalEngineeringThe division to which the student applied.
TypeOptionalRDThe code for application such as Early Decision, Early Action, and Regular Decision.
DeferredOptionalDFEnter a DF to indicate the application was deferred. Otherwise, leave the cell empty.
WaitlistOptionalWLEnter a DF to indicate the application was waitlisted. Otherwise, leave the cell empty.
Final ResultOptionalAcceptedThe final application outcome.
AttendOptionalYEnter a Y to indicate the student's attending college.  Otherwise, leave the cell empty.
Admit ChangesOptionalLikelyThe likelihood of the student's admission to the institution.
Application FlagOptionalLegacyThe special circumstances of the application.  You must create the flag in Naviance before it can be imported. 
CommentsOptionalSpoke to admissions office.Additional details surrounding the application.
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