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Set Up the Resume Builder

Students can use the Resume Builder in Naviance Student without your completing any setup steps. 

Assign Staff User Role Permissions

Assign the following permissions to user roles so staff can review students' resumes in Naviance.

User Role Permission


View resumeAccess students' resumes from their student folder.

Customize Resume Builder Instructions

Provide custom resume builder instructions for students.

  1. Navigate to Connections and select Naviance Student.
  2. Select Resume Builder Instructions.
  3. Optionally, enter custom instructions or select Use Default.
  4. Click Update.

Assign Success Plan Tasks Related to Career Planning

Assign the following tasks to students to track students progress in building a resume.

If using Naviance for Districts, edit and assign tasks at the district level to monitor and track task completion for all schools in the district.

Task Name

Completion Trigger

Build resume

Students create a print format of their resume.

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