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Set Up Test Prep

Assign Staff User Role Permissions

By default, all Naviance users can:

  • Access Naviance Test Prep.
  • Review and assign study programs.
  • Create discussions.
  • Review reports for which they are the assigned instructor.

Assign the following permissions to user roles so that staff can manage Naviance Test Prep.

User Role Permission


Administer Test Prep- District Level
  • Manage default study programs.
  • Set up AP study programs.
  • Assign Test Prep study programs to groups.
  • Access district, school, and group-level reports.
Administer Test Prep- School Level
  • Manage default study programs.
  • Select AP study programs (not part of a district.
  • Assign Test Prep Study Programs to groups.
  • Access school, group, and student-level reports.

Manage Default Study Programs

Give access to SAT or ACT Prep to all students in grades 9 - 12 without assigning groups of students to instructors by enabling default study programs.

  • Use our default SAT or ACT study program to give access to students quickly without assigning groups of students to instructors.
  • Assign SAT, ACT, or AP study programs to groups for more control over student group assignments and instructor assignment.
  1. From Quick Links on the homepage, select Naviance Test Prep.
  2. From Test Prep Options, select Manage Default Study Programs.
  3. Choose On or Off for each study program.

    If using Naviance District Edition, choose to manage default study programs from the district or school level.
  4. Click Save.

Set Up AP Study Programs

If your school or district has purchased Test Prep for AP, complete a one-time setup of AP Study Programs.

You cannot make changes after the initial set up of AP Study Programs.
  1. From Quick Links on the homepage, select Naviance Test Prep.
  2. From Test Prep Options, select Setup AP Study Programs.
  3. Select the AP Subjects to assign to your school or district. You cannot edit your selections later.
  4. Click Save AP Subjects.
  5. Assign study programs to give students access to AP Test Prep courses.

Assign Study Programs

Assign study programs to groups:

  • To improve reporting capabilities for instructors if using Naviance Test Prep in the classroom.
  • To give student access to AP study programs.
If you have not enabled default study programs, you must assign study programs to groups so students can access SAT and ACT study programs.
  1. From Quick Links on the homepage, select Naviance Test Prep.
  2. From Test Prep Options, select Assign Study Programs.
  3. Enter the study program to assign and select it from the list.
  4. Enter the instructor's name and select it from the list.
  5. Enter the group name and select it from the list.

    You must create the student group before assigning a study program to the group.
  6. Click Save.

Create Custom Study Plans

Create custom study plans for SAT and ACT Test Prep to ensure student complete certain tasks in class or while working independently with Naviance Test Prep.

  1. From Quick Links on the homepage, select Naviance Test Prep.
  2. From Test Prep Options, select Reporting Dashboard.
  3. From Tools, select Custom Study Plans.
  4. Select Create.
  5. Enter a Custom Study Plan Name and then choose an option from the Select Study Program list.

    Test Prep displays the study plan name in Naviance Student.
  6. To assign students:
    1. Enter the student's last name in the Search field, then select specific students or Select All.
    2. Select an option from the Discussions list.
  7. Click Continue. You can no longer change the study program.
  8. Filter the study tasks and then click the plus icon for each task to assign.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Review the study plan details and click Assign.

Edit Custom Study Plans

  1. From Quick Links on the homepage, select Naviance Test Prep.
  2. From Test Prep Options, select Reporting Dashboard.
  3. From Tools, select Custom Study Plans.
  4. Locate the custom study plan to edit and select the plan name.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Optionally, update the plan details and then click Continue.
  7. Optionally, click the add or remove icons to update the task assignment and then click Continue.
  8. Click Assign.
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