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Scholarship Record Data Import Fields


  1. Review the details of scholarship record data fields that you can import into Naviance.
  2. Note the required data field and determine the optional fields you want to import.
  3. Download the scholarship record data import template from the Naviance Knowledge Base in the PowerSchool Community. Select PowerSchool Community from the Get Help menu in Naviance to access the Community.
  4. Prepare the data to import using the template as a guide.
  5. Manually import the data.

Scholarship Record Import Fields 

Data Field
Scholarship IDOptional192837The ID number of the scholarship.
Scholarship NameRequiredMinnesotan Excellence Award

The name of the scholarship.


The application deadline date.

Max AmountRequired1000The maximum amount awarded.
RenewableOptionalYThe student can renew the scholarship from year to year.
Merit BasedOptionalYThe scholarship is awarded based on merit.
Need BasedOptionalNThe scholarship is awarded based on need.
DescriptionOptionalThis award is granted each year to one Minnesotan who has excelled academically.The description of the scholarship.
Student GroupsOptionalAdvanced GroupThe student groups eligible for the scholarships.  You must create student groups in Naviance first.
InstructionsOptionalGo to the website and submit your materials.The instructions for submitting the scholarship application.
Essay RequiredOptionalYThe scholarship application requires the student to write an essay.
Recommendation RequiredOptionalNThe scholarship application requires a recommendation to be submitted.
Transcript RequiredOptionalYThe scholarship application requires a transcript to be submitted.
Application website where the application is available.
GenderOptionalNon-binaryThe gender requirement for scholarship eligibility.
Race/EthnicityOptionalMulti-racialThe race or ethnicity requirement for scholarship eligibility.
ResidencyOptionalMinnesotaThe state residency required for scholarship eligibility.
Special CircumstancesOptionalDeafnessThe special circumstances required for scholarship eligibility.
ReligionOptionalROM|CHRThe religion required for scholarship eligibility.
US Citizen RequiredOptionalYThe student is required to be a US citizen for scholarship eligibility.
First Gen StudentOptionalNThe student is required to be first generation for scholarship eligibility.
LGBTQ+OptionalYThe student is required to be LGBTQ for scholarship eligibility.
Military ParentsOptionalYThe student is required to have military parents for scholarship eligibility.
Eligible for Grade 9OptionalYThe student can apply for the scholarship in grade 9.
Eligible for Grade 10OptionalNThe student can apply for the scholarship in grade 10.
Eligible for Grade 11OptionalYThe student can apply for the scholarship in grade 11.
Eligible for Grade 12OptionalYThe student can apply for the scholarship in grade 12.
Minimum GPAOptional3.5The minimum unweighted GPA required for scholarship eligibility.
Minimum SATOptional1050The minimum SAT score required for scholarship eligibility.
Minimum PSATOptional1000The minimum PSAT score required for scholarship eligibility.
Minimum ACTOptional32The minimum ACT score required for scholarship eligibility.
Class RankOptionalTop 20%The class rank required for scholarship eligibility.
AthleticsOptionalBAS|CHEThe sports the student must participate in for scholarship eligibility.
ClubsOptionalHonors/AcademicsThe clubs the student must participate in for scholarship eligibility.
Intended MajorOptionalNursingThe intended major of the student for scholarship eligibility.
Community Service RequiredOptionalYesCommunity Service is required to apply for this scholarship.
OrganizationOptionalState of MinnesotaThe organization sponsoring the scholarship.
Organization WebsiteOptionalminnesota.govThe website of the organization sponsoring the scholarship.
Organization Mailing AddressOptional

13 Main St. 

Minneapolis, MN

The mailing address of the organization sponsoring the scholarship.
Primary ContactOptionalGreg PotterThe primary contact of the organization sponsoring the scholarship.
Contact TitleOptionalState Scholarship ManagerThe primary contact's title.
Contact EmailOptionalgreg.potter@email.comThe primary contact's email.
Contact PhoneOptional651-222-2222The primary contact's phone number.
Recurring DeadlineOptionalYThe scholarship has a recurring deadline.
Award AmountOptionalVaries

The amount awarded for the scholarship.


  • Specific Amount
  • Varies
  • See Description
  • Unknown
Eligible for Grade AlumniOptionalYAlumni students are eligible for the scholarship.
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