College Planning in Naviance
Search for Colleges
The Naviance college database contains information about thousands of postsecondary institutions worldwide, including all accredited two- and four-year colleges in the United States.
Search for Colleges
- Navigate to Colleges and select College Search.
Click Go from Advanced Search.
Alternatively, search for a college and then choose the college name from the list to display the college profile.Select a category and choose the search criteria.
If you cannot find a college in our database, search for the college by location or part of the college name, as the institution's official name differs from the one you commonly use. For example, search for Berkeley instead of UCB or UC Berkeley. Additionally, if the college you are searching for is a division of a larger university, try searching for that university.Click Show Matches.
To save your college search, select save search from the Number of matches. Enter a Search Name and click Save.
Optionally, choose pick for selected colleges to add them to your hand-picked list and then click Compare to review the accepted averages from your school
Retrieve a Saved Search
- Navigate to Colleges and select College Search.
- From Advanced Search, select Go.
- Choose a name from the selected saved search list.
Review College Profiles
College Profiles in Naviance include the following sections:
Section | Description |
General | Review application history and scheduled visits. Add and review contacts. Edit the connected college groups. Add and review counselor comments for all students. Add private notes for staff only. |
Applications | Review the application summary and call sheet for your school's students related to this college. You can update some items by grade or class year. |
Analysis | Display graphs, statistics, and overlaps for your students at this college. From the graphs section, review the institution's Scattergram. |
Admissions | Review admissions information including qualifications, fees, applications, and test score ranges. |
Academics | Display a list of all of the college degrees that this school offers. Clicking on the degree will show a list of all colleges that offer that same degree. |
Cost & Aid | Identify specific information such as the financial aid contact, tuition information, other fees, financial aid, international financial aid, etc. |
Extracurriculars | Review extracurricular information including residences, activities, organizations, computer resources, athletics, minority representation, faculty, states represented, and more. |
You can perform the following actions in Naviance college profiles:
Options | Description |
Request Update | Request an update to the information Naviance has for this college. |
Batch Update | Enables users to batch update applications by college, student by student. |
Add to or Remove from Quicklist | Use the link to quickly add the college to or remove from a quicklist. |
Set Quickname | Add or edit a short name for a college to use when adding colleges for a student. |
Update Groups | Review groups and the college's membership status. Select add or remove from the group or create a new group. |
Print Mailing Labels | Use the mailing manager with the college of choice selected. |
Print Envelopes | Use the mailing manager with the college of choice selected. |
To add or update college information in Naviance, email with your request including:
- College Name
- College Website
- Admission Address
- Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Admissions email
- If it is a two-year, four-year, or technical college
- If the college is for-profit or non-profit
- If the college is public or private
After the support representative receives the information, the information is verified to ensure it meets Naviance's criteria for being listed as a college and then updated appropriately.
Naviance Support Staff can only add accredited institutions that provide an undergraduate degree to database. They cannot add branches of the military, graduate schools, seminary colleges that only provide degrees for religion, and college preparatory schools. Specialty programs of a college that have the same application process as the main campus are added as a division of the main campus.
You Visit Tours
If a college with an enhanced profile in Naviance Student has a YouVisit tour, students, parents, and guardians can access YouVisit tours on the college profile’s overview page, below the current media gallery. This tour is a 360-rotating image with the text overlay Explore Our Campus Now.
If YouVisit tours are blocked at your school, whitelist
College Call Sheets
The call sheet is a feature associated with college profiles on Naviance. The call sheet allows a counselor to track communications and notes related to a specific college and the students applying from their school.
- Navigate to Colleges and select College Search.
- Locate the college of interest and open the profile.
- Select Applications, and then select Call Sheet.
- Enter notes per student:
- Detailed Notes are available from the Journal section of the student folder or the call sheet page of the college profile.
- Quick Notes are only available on the call sheet page of the college profile. Enter a note for the student and then click Save Quick Notes at the end of the page.
Suggest Colleges to a Student
Suggest colleges to a student by adding to the student's I'm Thinking About list.
- Navigate to the selected student folder.
- Select Colleges and then select I'm Thinking About.
- Click Add.
- Select the college name from the Quicklist or use the College Lookup tools.
- Click Add Colleges.
- Optionally, select:
- The student's Interest from the list.
- The likelihood of the student's acceptance to the college from the Expect list.
- Print summary or print details.
Compare Colleges
Compare a student's test scores and GPA to the test scores and GPA of alumni who applied to and were accepted to the same colleges as on the student's Colleges I'm Thinking About or Applying To lists.
- Navigate to the selected student folder.
- Select Colleges and then select Comparison.
From the Active Applications and Prospective Colleges sections, review the data. The color of the student's GPA and test score indicates if the student's GPA and scores exceed or are below the accepted averages.
You must set import college application data or have it available in Naviance for the Comparison feature to display data. If using Naviance District Edition, you can also set up data consolidation to populate the Comparison feature with data.
Use Scattergrams
You can display scattergrams with or without an individual student overlay.
- Scattergrams without an individual student overlay display all applicants who were admitted, denied, waitlisted, or deferred within the range of specified years.
- Scattergrams with a student overlay display the same data but with a blue circle identifying an individual student, whether or not that student applied and has received a decision.
No Student Overlay
- Navigate to Colleges and select College Search.
- Search for and display the college profile for the desired college.
- Select Analysis.
- Select a test type or other options to update the Scattergram without displaying specific student data.
Individual Student Overlay
- Navigate to the selected student folder.
- Select Colleges, and then select Graphs.
- Select a Test Type from the list.
- Select change scattergram options to further refine the data populating the Scattergram.
- Choose a college from the Current College list. The Scattergram displays the student's information within the results.
Weight Scattergrams by Program Strength
Customize Scattergrams by weighting data on according to a student's program strength.
- Navigate to Colleges, select College Search.
- Search for and choose the selected college.
- Select Analysis to display the Scattergram.
- Select Change Other Options.
- From the GPA Type list, choose Program Strength.
- Click Prepare Scattergram.
Naviance proportionately raises the GPA of any student whose course load you have identified as above average and lowers the GPA of any student whose course load you have identified as below average when you display weighted data by program strength in a scattergram.
Display Scattergrams with Peer Group Data
After establishing one or more peer groups, you can display data from a peer group on Scattergrams.
- Navigate to Colleges, select College Search.
- Search for and choose a college.
- Select Analysis to display the Scattergram.
- Select Change Other Options.
- From the Peer Group list, choose a group.
- Click Prepare Scattergram.
Use College Match ActiveMatch
College Match ActiveMatch gives students an opportunity to find colleges and universities that are both a match and a fit.
- The college offers something the student wants in a college experience. The college:
- Is comparable to similar colleges the student is considering.
- Offers a program in which the student has expressed an interest.
- The student aligns with the type of student the institution wants to recruit, such as academic ability, location, and ethnicity. The student:
- Adds a college to their Colleges I'm Thinking About or Colleges I'm Applying To lists.
- Searches for a specific major using SuperMatch.
A college may fit a student's interest based upon other colleges in the student's lists of Colleges I'm Applying To and Colleges I'm Thinking About and majors the student searched when completing a SuperMatch college search. When a college is a match and a fit, it will be listed on the Colleges Looking For Students Like You page in Naviance Student.
- Students can select the college name or major to learn more about how the school fits their interests.
- Students can Favorite the college to add it to their list of Colleges I'm Thinking About, or students can indicate that they are Not Interested to remove the college from the list.
- Students are asked if they want to connect with and receive information directly from the college when they favorite a college.
- By default, the student's name, school, and class year will be shared if the student connects with the institution.
- Students must share either their email, address, or phone number to Connect.
- Students can choose to share their gender, GPA, ethnicity, or majors of interest.
Benefits of College Match ActiveMatch
College Match ActiveMatch provides students with college options while putting students in the driver's seat. College Match ActiveMatch:
- Supports CCLR framework by providing students insight into colleges that are a good match and fit.
- Empowers students to broaden their considerations beyond those institutions about which they already know.
- Provides a clear understanding of why specific colleges are listed and how those colleges align with their interests.
- Offers college matches driven by students' interest and their intentional actions taken within Naviance Student and not the other way around.
- Gives students control of what, if any, information they share with the colleges if they decide to start communication.