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Set Up College Planning

To set up college planning:

  1. Assign staff the desired user role permissions in Naviance.
  2. Give students access to college planning features in Naviance Student.
  3. Import key test scores and college application data.
  4. Customize college planning tools for your school including a college quicklist, college groups, and RepVisits.

Assign staff user role permissions


Assign the following permissions to district user roles so that district staff can access college research information in Naviance.

User role permission


View college application data

Review colleges on the student's Colleges I'm Thinking About list.

View GPA and academics

Review GPA and academic information from the General section of the student's folder.
View test scoresReview students' test scores.
Edit college application dataAdd or edit students' Colleges I'm Thinking About or Colleges I'm Applying To lists.
Edit student academicsAdd or edit academic information in the student's folder.
Edit test scoresAdd or update test scores in the student's folder.
Access Counselor CommunityAccess the counselor community.
Access main colleges tab (district area)Review college information from the Colleges section at the district level.
Access main colleges tab (school area)Review college information from the Colleges section at the school level.
Add/edit college contactsAdd or edit college contacts.
Add/edit college groupsCreate or edit college groups.
Add/edit college visit calendarAdd or edit college visits.
Add/edit enrichment program list (school)Add or edit an enrichment program at the school level.
Add/edit notes about collegesAdd notes about a college for other counselors.
Add/edit quicklistAdd or edit a college quicklist or quickname.
Administer Counselor Community & RepVisitsTurn on the ounselor Community.
View application history and statsReview application history and scattergrams related to a college.
View college reportsReview college reports.
View test score reportsReview test score reports.


Assign the following school-level permissions to user roles so staff can access career information in Naviance.

User role permission


View college application data

Review colleges on the student's Colleges I'm Thinking About list.

View GPA and academics

Review GPA and academic information from the General section of the student's folder.
View test scoresReview students' test scores.
Edit college application dataAdd or edit students' Colleges I'm Thinking About or Colleges I'm Applying To lists.
Edit student academicsAdd or edit academic information in the student's folder.
Edit test scoresAdd or update test scores in the student's folder.
Access Counselor CommunityAccess the counselor community.
Access main colleges tab (school area)Review college information from the colleges section.
Add/edit college contactsAdd or edit college contacts.
Add/edit college groupsCreate or edit college groups.
Add/edit college visit calendarAdd or edit college visits.
Add/edit enrichment program list (school)Add or edit an enrichment program at the school level.
Add/edit notes about collegesAdd notes about a college for other counselors.
Add/edit quicklistAdd or edit a college quicklist or quickname.
Administer Counselor Community & RepVisitsTurn on the Counselor Community.
View application history and statsReview application history and scattergrams related to a college.
View college reportsReview college reports.
View test score reportsReview test score reports.

Import data

For student to take full advantage of the college planning tools that are available in Naviance Student, import key test scores for students such as SAT and ACT and college application data.

Select Naviance Student settings

Select the following features so students can access the Colleges section and related features in Naviance Student.



Colleges Section

Display the Colleges menu and selected features.

College ProfilesAccess college profiles.
College SearchAccess to college search on the Naviance Student homepage, College Lookup, and Advanced College Search.
SuperMatch College SearchFind best-fit colleges using SuperMatchâ„¢.
College StatisticsDisplays GPA and key test score statistics in college profiles.
College Match - Admission History

Access Colleges That Have Accepted Students Like You.

When you enable any ActiveMatch feature, the page displays a message regarding FERPA Waivers. You must agree or not activate the features. If the FERPA Block is enabled in the student folder, the student may not have access to ActiveMatch features.
College Match - Universal OverlapsAccess Colleges Other Students Like.
College Match - ActiveMatchAccess Colleges Looking for Students Like You.
College EventsAccess a list of events shared and hosted by higher-education institutions.
College Compare and Academic MatchAccess College Compare; Displays the student's GPA and key test scores to the average accepted GPA and key test scores of alumni students at your school to a college.
ResourcesAccess resources to help plan for college.
College MapsAccess the Maps feature.


Select edit disclaimer to add information about Scattergrams in Naviance Student.

Review the history of applications to a college at your school.

Set up Peer Data Sharing if you want to use Scattergrams with students but want additional application data.
Acceptance HistoryAccess college acceptance history for your school.
College VisitsReview college visits scheduled via RepVisits or Visits.
Enrichment ProgramsSearch for enrichment programs added by your school or district.

Select the following edit permissions so students can perform college planning tasks in Naviance Student.

Student edit permissionDescription
Add or edit test scoresSelf-report test scores including SAT and ACT.
Add or edit prospective collegesCreate a list of Colleges I'm Thinking About.
Sign up for college visits onlineSign up for college visits held at your school.

Select the following edit permissions so parents can perform college planning tasks in Naviance Student.

Parent edit permissionsDescription
Add or edit prospective collegesAdd their student's Colleges I'm Thinking About list.

Select the following options for College Statistics and Scattergrams.

Statistics and scattergram optionsDescription
Senior class applicationsInclude application results for the current senior class.
Minimum total data pointsThe minimum number of data points required to display college statistics.
Minimum accepts/deniesThe minimum number of accepts or denies required to display Scattergram data points.
Scattergram SymbolsChoose to display basic or advanced symbols on Scattergram graphs.
Allow GPA toggleAllow students to change the GPA type on a Scattergram graph.

Assign success plan tasks related to college planning

Assign the following tasks to students to track their progress in completing college research-related tasks.

If using Naviance for Districts, edit and assign tasks at the district level to monitor and track task completion for all schools in the district.

Task name

Completion trigger

Add colleges to my list

Student adds one college to their I'm Thinking About list.

Edit the task and change the threshold number to increase the number of colleges that students must add to their list.
Attend college visits

Student signs up for one college visit in Naviance Student.

Edit the task and change the threshold number to increase the number of careers that students must add to their favorites list.
Take ACTStudent or staff add an ACT score.
Take SATStudent or staff ad an SAT score.

Customize college planning tools


Build a custom college list to quickly access the colleges that are the most popular at your school when you are adding colleges to a student's prospective or application list.

Build a quicklist

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Quicklist.
  2. From College Quicklist, select build from lists.
  3. From Select colleges, choose an option.
    1. Select a group from the list if you choose Add colleges in this group.
    2. Select a state from the list if you choose Add colleges in the following state.
  4. From Action, ensure Add to quicklist is selected, and then click Continue to add the colleges to your quicklist.

    If you selected Add colleges in the following state, deselect or select the colleges, and then click Add to Quicklist.

    Naviance recommends deselecting all, and then selecting specific colleges if you do not want to add all colleges in the state to your quicklist.

Add a college to the quicklist

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select College Search.
  2. Search for a college, and then choose the selected college name form the list.
  3. From College Options, select add to quicklist.

Delete a college from the quicklist

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Quicklist.
  2. From College Quicklist, select edit.
  3. Select the collect and click Delete from Quicklist.


Use the Quicknames feature to define abbreviations for college names. Use the college abbreviations when adding applications for student or searching for colleges in Naviance.

Add a quickname for an individual college

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select College Search.
  2. Search for a college, and then choose the selected college name form the list.
  3. From College Options, select set quickname.
  4. Enter a Quick Name, and then click Update Quick Name.

Add quicknames for multiple colleges

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Quicknames.
  2. From College Quick Names, select Build from Lists.
  3. From Select colleges, choose an option.
    1. Select a group from the list if you choose Add colleges in this group.
    2. Select a state from the list if you choose Add colleges in the following state.
  4. From Action, ensure Create or edit quick names is selected, and then click Continue.

  5. Enter Quick Names for the selected colleges, and then click Update Quick Names.

Delete a quickname

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select College Search.
  2. Search for a college, and then choose the selected college name form the list.
  3. From College Options, select set quickname.
  4. Remove the Quick Name, and then click Update Quick Name.


Share groups of colleges with a particular criterion, such as the top 10 universities in your state or community colleges with transfer agreements to state universities, using college groups. Naviance comes with standard system groups by default. You can also create your own unique college groups, copy shared groups, or subscribe to them.

To review and manage groups, navigate to Colleges and select Groups.

Select the group name to display the colleges included in the group.
  • From Group, review and manage custom groups from your school.
    • Select share group to add the group to the Shared Groups list.
    • Select unsubscribe to remove the shared group from your school's group list.
    • Select delete group to remove the group from your school's group list.

      If you have shared the group, you will also delete the group from the Shared Groups list.
  • From Standard System Groups, review the Naviance created and managed groups.
  • From Shared groups, review college groups created and shared by other Naviance users.
    • Select subscribe to share the college groups with staff and students at your school. Only the owner of the group can edit the colleges in the group.
    • Click copy to use the college group with staff and students at your school. You can edit the colleges in the group.

Create a group

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Group.
  2. From Custom College Groups, select build from lists.
  3. From Select colleges, choose an option.
    • Select a group from the list if you choose Add colleges in this group.
    • Select a state from the list if you choose Add colleges in the following state.
  4. From Action, select:

    • Add to this group and select an existing group from the list.
    • Add to a new group called and enter a group name.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Deselect any colleges that you do not want to add to the group.

    Alternatively, deselect all, and then select the colleges you want to add to the group.
  7. Click Add to Group.


  1. From Actions, select add new group, enter a Name, and then click Add New Group.
  2. Navigate to Colleges and select College Search.
  3. Search for a college, and then choose the selected college name form the list.
  4. From College Options, select update group.
  5. From Action:
    • Select add for the group to which you want to add the college.
    • Enter a New group name.
  6. Click Update Group Assignments.

Remove a college from a group

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Group.
  2. Select the group to edit.
  3. Select the college to remove.
  4. Click Update Membership.

Rename a college group

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Group.
  2. From Custom College Groups, select build from lists.
  3. From Select colleges, choose All colleges in this group and select a group from the list.
  4. From Action, select Add to a new group called and enter a group name.

  5. Click Continue.
  6. From the Custom College Groups page, choose delete group for the previous group.
  7. Click Delete Group to confirm the deletion.


The Maps features, powered by MapQuest, displays the location of colleges and universities within a college group in Naviance and Naviance Student. To access college maps in Naviance, navigate to Colleges and select Maps.

By default, the groups include:

  • College that accepted our students
  • Colleges where our students are attending
  • Tope 20 most popular colleges where our students applied.
  • Standard System Groups
  • College groups included in your school's group list.


If your school does not manage college visits with RepVisits in Naviance, use Visits to manually manage and keep track of planned visits by college representatives, military recruiters, and others. To access Visits, navigate to Colleges and select Visits.

Enrichment programs

Create a custom data base of enrichment programs for students at your school or district.

District-level users can choose to manage enrichment programs at the district level. When districts manage enrichment programs, you cannot add or manage programs at the school level.


  1. From Naviance District Edition, navigate to Colleges and select Enrichment Programs.
  2. Select settings.
  3. Select Central administration or School administration.

    Naviance no longer partners with TeenLife for enrichment programs.
  4. Click Update Settings.

Add an enrichment program

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Enrichment Programs.
  2. Select add program.
  3. Enter the enrichment program details, and then click Submit at the end of the page.

Activate or inactive enrichment programs

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Enrichment Programs.
  2. Optionally, from Find Programs, select View all programs.
  3. Select make all inactive or make all active to change the program status.

    Alternatively, choose edit for a selected program, select an option from the Status list, and then click Update.

Counselor community & contacts

Use Counselor Community & Contacts to:

  • Access My Profile to create and edit your profile and your school's profile.
  • Create a new contact or add a contact with the click of a button.
  • Review Counselor Community, RepVisits, or Saved Contact details.

Edit my profile

Navigate to Colleges and select Counselor Community & Contacts.

Before visiting Counselor Community and Contacts for the first time, you are prompted to set up a Counselor Community Profile or update your existing profile. You cannot use Counselor Community & Contacts until you do this. Some information in your profile is pre-populated from the information in your Naviance account and cannot be edited, such as name, institution, and email.

Edit your school's profile

Your high school's profile is accessible to users when searching Counselor Community & Contacts and to college reps when using RepVisits. If you have the permission Administer Counselor Community and RepVisits assigned to your user role, edit your school's profile by navigating to Colleges, selecting Counselor Community & Contacts, Edit My Profile, and then selecting Edit My School's Profile. Some information in your school's profile is pre-populated with data sourced from ELSi and cannot be updated.

Find contacts

To search for contacts, navigate to Colleges and select Counselor Community & Contacts. The page displays all saved contacts, Counselor Community users, and RepVisits contacts by default. Refine the list of contacts using the search tools. Select a name to display the user profile, including email address, office phone number, area served, and more. Select the institution name to display the institution profile, including location, enrollment, population served, and more.

Manually add contacts

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Counselor Community & Contacts.
  2. Click Create a Contact.

    Alternatively, click Save Contact to add Counselor Community and RepVisits contacts to your list of Saved Contacts. After the Counselor Community user or RepVisits contact is added to your list of Saved Contacts, you can edit the user's profile details such as private notes, notes for students, and more.
  3. Indicate the type of contact you are adding, enter the contact details, and then click Save Changes. The contact is added to your list of Saved Contacts.

Send emails

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Counselor Community & Contacts.
  2. Open a Saved Contact profile.
  3. Click Send Email.

When the college contact receives the email from Naviance it includes the user account name from The user account that sends the email receives the replies.

Inactivate or delete contacts

After saving a contact, you can inactivate or delete it.

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Counselor Community & Contacts.
  2. Open a saved contact profile.
  3. Click Delete, and then click:
    • Delete to remove it from your school's list of contacts. The contact is not removed from the Counselor Community database, and the user profile is still available in search results.
    • Inactivate to keep the contact in your list.

Export contacts

  1. Navigate to Colleges and select Counselor Community & Contacts.
  2. Optionally, use the search tools to find the desired contacts.
  3. Click Select All or choose the contacts to export.
  4. Click Export to download the CSV file.

    You can export a maximum of 500 contacts.

Share data with other schools

Use Peer Connection to invite colleagues from other schools to share aggregated data and increase the amount of information for colleges in Scattergrams. Only staff can review scattergram data shared from other schools.

Before sharing data with other schools, align your school's GPA scale with a standard A - F grading scale.

Invite a school to share data

  1. Navigate to Connections and select Peer Data Sharing.
  2. From Peer Options, select Invite Data Sharing.
  3. Select Find High School and search for the desired school.
  4. Select the school's name, and then select Continue.
  5. From the Contact list, select a name.
  6. Enter a Message to include with the invitation.
  7. Click Send Invitation. The contact receives an email explaining the Peer Connection feature and includes any additional information entered. When the contact accepts or declines your invitation, you will receive an automated email from Naviance.

    If the connection is accepted, return to Peer Connection to define the peer groups.

Manage peer groups

Create an unlimited number of peer groups and specify any combination of members based on the schools with which you have sharing relationships. As you display Scattergrams, choose to include data points from only your school or from the groups of schools you have defined.

Create a peer group

  1. Navigate to Connections and select Peer Data Sharing.
  2. From Peer Options, select Create Peer Group.
  3. Enter a Group Name for the peer group.
  4. Select the peer schools to add to the group.
  5. Click Add Group.

Remove a member from a peer group

  1. Navigate to Connections and select Peer Data Sharing.
  2. Select Manage Group.
  3. Deselect each peer to remove from the group.
  4. Click Update Group.

Delete a peer group

  1. Navigate to Connections and select Peer Data Sharing.
  2. Select Delete Group, and then click OK.
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