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Prepare to Use SAML SSO for Parents

Follow these steps to prepare:

Choose a Unique Identifier

For the parent Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) connection to be successful, you must select a unique identifier in your Identity Provider (IdP) that can be mapped to the same data in Naviance.

Choose from two options:

  • NameID
  • NavFederationID Attribute

If using PowerSchool SIS as the idP, ensure:

  • The parent's Federation ID in Naviance is set to the Contact ID (guardianid) of the parent from the PowerSchool SIS.
  • A username is imported in Naviance for all parents. 

Review your IdP data to determine which option is the best.

  1. Check your IdP's NameID field.
    • What data do you have populated in this field?
    • Is this the data that you want to use and map to Naviance via SAML? The NameID field may contain email addresses, ID numbers, or some other information.
  2. If you do not want to use the data in the NameID field to make the SAML connection, use the IdP's NavFederationID Attribute field to add the data that you want to use for the connection.
    • The NavFederationID Attribute field should contain the identifier you want to use when connecting to Naviance via SAML.
  3. Note the field you selected.

Prepare Parent Data in Naviance

Create and register parent accounts before setting up the SAML connection. When creating parent accounts, you must import the required data fields for the selected unique identifier.

Review the parent data import fields for a complete list of data points to import for parents.
Unique IdentifierRequired Data Import Fields
You will use NameID. The unique identifier is the parent or guardian's email address.You must import the Parent Username and Parent Email.
You will use NameID. The unique identifier is an ID number or something other than an email address.You must import the Parent Username and Federated ID. Populate the Federated ID field with the unique identifier.
You will use NavFederationID Attribute which is populated with a unique identifier.You must import the Parent Username and Federated ID. Populate the Federated ID field with the unique identifier.

Import Parent Data

Before importing parent data, ensure that your import file includes the following fields:

  • Parent username
  • Email or federated ID
  • Other required data fields
  • Recommended and optional data fields of your choice

When manually importing parent data:

  • Select Yes, I have a SAML connection enabled for Parents.
  • Confirm the field mapping for Parent_Username and Parent_Email or Federated_ID is correct.

Update Existing Parent Data

  1. If you already have existing parent data, export that data as a CSV file.
  2. Populate the parent-username data field as needed in the CSV file. Parents who are already registered will have a username populated in that field.

    You must complete this step for a successful SAML connection.
  3. Populate the Federated_ID field if that is your unique identifier. Otherwise, populate the Parent_Email field of the CSV file.
  4. Use the CSV file to add updated parent data.
  5. Select Yes from I have a SAML connection enabled for Parents.
  6. Map the Parent_Username and Parent_Email or Federated_ID fields to ensure that the import does not fail.
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