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IT Requirements

Implement Naviance

The following roles are generally required to implement Naviance:

IT Project Leader

Responsible for all decisions related to the implementation and configuration of Naviance.

Ensures deliverables and timelines are being met.

This individual typically serves as the primary client contact for the Naviance Success Manager or consultant, if consulting services are purchased.
Database Administrator

Responsible for exporting data from the student information system (SIS) to Naviance.

Naviance provides documentation to ensure data files are in the proper format for a successful import into Naviance.
Systems Administrator

Responsible for any configurations required for Naviance and Naviance Student such as single sign-on (SSO) integration.

Naviance provides documentation on how you can set up SSO for students and staff.

Responsible for creating custom code or modifying jobs to configure and deploy Naviance products.

Naviance Consulting Services does not develop or perform custom code work.

Technical Requirements

The following TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) ports are used to access Naviance:

  • http - TCP 80 redirected to https - TCP 443

Whitelist Email Accounts

Ensure the following email accounts are allowed senders:

Whitelist the following domains:

Whitelist Web Content

Ensure Naviance and Naviance Student are not blocked by whitelisting the following:

Naviance does not support IP address whitelisting.
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