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Career Planning in Naviance Student

  Career Planning_Reference Guide.pdf

Use career planning tools in Naviance Student to:

  • Learn more about careers, clusters, and pathways.
  • Favorite careers, clusters, and pathways of interest.
  • Explore local opportunities.
  • Review work-based learning opportunities.
  • Search for job opportunities.
  • Research military branches.
  • Access the Roadtrip Nation Interview Archive.

The career data is provided to Naviance from O*NET and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor. O*NET is a trademark of the US Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration. Naviance updates databases according to the information available on these sites.

Parents and guardians with Naviance Student accounts can:

  • Access information on the Careers Home page.
  • Search for careers, clusters, and pathways.
  • Review their student's list of Favorite Careers, Clusters, and Pathways.
  • Explore local opportunities.
  • Review work-based learning opportunities.
  • Search for job opportunities.
  • Research military branches.
  • Access the Roadtrip Nation Interview Archive.

Parents and guardians cannot add work-based learning opportunities, job opportunities, military branches careers, clusters, or pathways to their student's list of favorites or indicate they are attending or applying for a work-based learning opportunity.

Explore careers

  1. To review career information, select Careers and choose Explore Careers from Career Exploration.
  2. To search for specific careers:
    • Enter a career title in the search field and then click Go.
    • Select title, education, or salary from the Sort By list.
    • Click Filter, choose an option, and then click Apply.
  3. Select the career name to display the career profile.
  4. Select a category to review information about the career.


    Review high-level information about the career, such as:

    • Education requirements
    • Median national salary
    • Related Holland Traits
    • Related Military Careers
    Skills and Experience

    Learn what this career entails, including:

    • Activities carried out during the workday
    • Tasks performed
    • Needed skills and abilities
    WagesFind the average rate, salary, or hourly by state or city.
    Upcoming EventsAccess any work-based learning events or opportunities related to this career that your school shared.

    5. Select Back to Explore Careers to return to your list of careers.

Favorite careers

Click Favorite to add careers to your favorites list or click Favorited to remove a career from your favorites list.

Explore clusters and pathways

  1. To review cluster and pathway information, select Careers and choose Explore Clusters and Pathways from Career Exploration.
  2. Expand a career cluster and click:

    • Read Details to display the cluster profile.

    • Favorite to add cluster or pathway to your favorites list.

    • A related pathway to display the pathway profile.

  3. Click Back to Career Cluster to close the profile.

Cluster profiles

Cluster information is organized by:

Upcoming Events

Work-based learning events or opportunities shared by your school that are related to the cluster

Employment Outlook

The number of jobs, employment rates, and more

Related OccupationsCareers related to the cluster

Related Majors

College majors related to the cluster
Plans of StudyRecommended courses related to the cluster from Advantage CTE

Pathway profiles

Pathway information is organized by:

Upcoming Events

Work-based learning events or opportunities shared by your school that are related to the pathway

Employment Outlook

The number of jobs, employment rates, and more

Typical CredentialsThe required degree, certificate, or licensure

Related Occupations

Careers related to the cluster
Related MajorsCollege majors related to the cluster
Plans of StudyRecommended courses related to the cluster from Advance CTE

Favorite clusters and pathways

Click Favorite to add clusters and pathways to your favorites list or click Favorited to remove clusters and pathways from your favorites list.

Locate favorited careers and clusters

To review your list of favorite careers, clusters, and pathways, go to:

  • Careers and select Favorite Careers and Clusters
  • The heart icon and select Favorite Careers and Clusters
  • The My favorites card on the Naviance Student homepage and select Careers and Clusters I'm Thinking About

From My Favorite Careers and Clusters:

  • Select an option from the Show Types list to filter your list.
  • Click Favorite to remove the career, cluster, or pathway from your list.
  • Review Suggested Clusters and Pathways from Naviance.

Explore local opportunities

Use Explore Local Opportunities

Review information about promoted career opportunities in your area.

  1. Click Careers.

  2. From Career Exploration, choose Explore Local Opportunities.

  3. From Explore Local Opportunities:

    1. Read the overview information for the state or company.

    2. Review the Legend to understand the kinds of careers being promoted.

    3. Review the content provided by the state or company related to the promoted careers.

Search for promoted careers

Review more information about promoted careers from the Highlights section of a career profile.

  1. Select Careers.

  2. From Career Exploration, choose Explore Careers.

  3. Click Filter.

  4. Expand Local Opportunities and select at least one option from the list.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Select a career to display the profile.

  7. From the At a Glance section of the profile, review the Highlights for more information about the promoted career opportunity.

Explore military branches

Explore and create a list of Favorite Military Branches directly from Naviance Student.

Military branches

To access information about military branches and favorite branches of interest, select Careers and choose Explore Military Branches from Military Exploration.

  • Click on the branch name to open the official branch website.

  • Click Favorite to add the branch to your list of Favorite Military Branches.

  • Click Favorited to remove the branch from your list of favorites.

Alternatively, access branch information from Military Resources on the Home page if you select Military as your future plan.

You can also add military branches to your favorites list from:

  • The Related Military Careers section in a Career Profile

  • The Home page when the Military is selected as the future plan.

Favorite military branches

  1. To display all favorited military branches, select Careers and choose Favorite Military Branches from Military Exploration.

  2. Optionally, click Remove from Favorites to remove the branch from your list.

Related military careers

Review Related Military Careers from the Overview section of a related career profile.

  1. Select Careers and choose Explore Careers from Career Exploration.

  2. Click Filter.

  3. Expand Related Military Careers and select the branches of interest.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Select a career to display the profile.

  6. From the Overview section of the profile, expand a Related Military Career to:

    • Display the branch of service.

    • Access the branch website.

    • Click the heart icon to add or remove the branch from your favorites list.

Search for job opportunities

Use the Job Search feature as a research tool when exploring careers in Naviance by:

  • Viewing job titles and descriptions for careers that match your skills and interests.

  • Understanding the qualifications and education needed for future career paths.

  • Exploring job application formats and requirements on employer websites.

To use Headed2’s Job Search in Naviance, you must create a Headed2 account and link it to your Naviance account.

Link Your Headed2 and Naviance Accounts

  1. Select Careers and then choose Search Job Opportunities from Experiential Exploration.

  2. From the Headed2 modal, click Go to Headed2.

  3. Enter your Email and then click Next. Alternatively, select I don't have an email address or Sign in if you already have a Headed2 account.

  4. Enter a Password, confirm the password, and then click Next.

  5. Click Student or Job Seeker and then click Next.

  6. Select your State, and if requested, enter your School Name, and select your High school graduation year.

  7. Indicate if you are under or over 13.

    • Over 13

      1. Click I am over 13 and want to join this site and then click I want to join this site.

      2. Click Approve. You will receive an email with more information about your linked accounts.

      3. Click Return to Naviance.

    • Under 13

      1. Click I am under 13 and want to seek approval to join this site, enter an Authorized person email, and then click I want to join this site. The authorized person will receive an email from which they can approve your request to access Headed2's Career Explorer and link to Naviance.

      2. Click Return to Naviance.

To check the status of your approval requests, from Naviance Student, select About Me and then choose My Account. From General Information, go to Account Settings and select Check status.

Approve an Access Request

If your student is under 13, you may receive a request to approve their Headed2 account.

  1. Locate and open the email from

  2. Click Review Request.

  3. Click Approve Request, enter Your First Name and Your Last Name, and then click Complete Approval.

Unlink Your Headed2 and Naviance Accounts

  1. From Naviance Student, select About Me and then choose My Account.

  2. From General Information, go to Account Settings and select Unlink my account.

  3. Click Unlink from the confirmation modal.

Use Search Job Opportunities

  1. Select Careers and then choose Search Job Opportunities from Experiential Exploration.

  2. Enter or select the search criteria and then click Search.

  3. From the list of job opportunities:

    • Select the title to display the opportunity details and the option to Apply Now.

    • Click the heart icon to add the opportunity to Favorite Job Opportunities.

Review favorite job opportunities

  1. Select Careers and then choose Search Job Opportunities from Experiential Exploration.

  2. From Recently Favorited Job Opportunities, select All Favorited Job Opportunities. You must have a list of favorite job opportunities to display this option.

  3. From Favorite Job Opportunities:

    1. Select the title to display the opportunity details.

    2. Click the heart icon to remove the opportunity from your favorites list.

    3. Select Back to Search to find additional job opportunities.

Unlink your Headed2 and Naviance accounts

If you previously linked your Headed2 and Naviance accounts, you can unlink them.

  1. From Naviance Student, select About Me and then choose My Account.

  2. From General Information, go to Account Settings and select Unlink my account.

  3. Click Unlink from the confirmation modal.

Use the Roadtrip Nation interview archive

The Roadtrip Nation Interview Archive is a digital career exploration tool with access to nearly 10,000 video interviews. The videos chronicle the diverse personal stories of leaders who have turned their interests into their life's work.

  1. To access Roadtrip Nation, select Careers and choose Explore Roadtrip Nation Videos from Experiential Exploration.
  2. Choose one of the search options to find videos of interest.

    Search optionExplanation

    What is Your Road?

    Choose a foundation and two interests to explore interviews with leaders with similar roads.
    InterestsChoose an interest category such as medicine, art, or business to explore interviews with leaders in fields that align with your interests.
    ThemesChoose a theme such as risk, failure, or determination to explore interviews in which leaders discuss their trials and learning related to the selected theme.
    LeadersChoose any of the leaders interviewed.
    PlaylistChoose a pre-assembled playlist of video interviews.
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