Naviance and Scribbles
Naviance & Scribbles: 2,000+ More Colleges Available in Naviance eDocs this Fall
PowerSchool is partnering with Scribbles to expand the eDocs network by over 2,000 colleges! This means that for the 2023-2024 school year, Naviance staff users will be able to send supporting documentation for students’ college applications to many more higher education institutions. This partnership will nearly double the number of institutions in the Naviance eDocs network, making it easier than ever to support students’ applications.
The PowerSchool Naviance and Scribbles Software teams are working closely together to ensure readiness for the upcoming school year. Scribbles is prepared to support Naviance users at scale. Scribbles has served over 12 million students with transcript requests since 2012 and completed nearly one million electronic transcript requests over the last year.
We will provide more information over the next 1to 2 months. In the meanwhile, here are the key things to know:
Naviance still partners with the Common Application and Parchment. Nothing changes for these receiver networks.
The addition of Scribbles will not require any action by schools. If you are using eDocs, Scribbles receivers will automatically be available to you. The sending process for Scribbles will be the same eDocs processes you use today. You will just have more colleges available, and some will now show a Scribbles icon and confirmation number.
Each higher ed institution will either be a Parchment or Scribbles receiver, there will be no overlap.
There is no additional cost to clients for this integration.
We are not providing a list of receivers at this time, but you will be able to see which colleges are Scribbles receivers in the Naviance college profiles by early summer. The list of new receivers is a diverse mix of 4-year institutions, community colleges, and vocational and technical schools.