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Self-Discovery Assessments Details

Administer self-discovery assessments to students so they can learn about the different components that make them stand out as individuals, which is vital to their career and postsecondary planning. 

Assessment nameAvailabilityOverallTypeNumber of questionsApproximate durationResultsQuestion exampleResult example

Retake options

Career Cluster FinderBuilt-in

Top three career clusters of interest

Career interest questionnaire

10 lists10 to 25 minutes

16 career clusters ranked in order of interest

Select the activities, qualities, and school subjects you most identify with.

Top 3 career clusters of interest

  1. Government and Administration
  2. Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
  3. Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

Student can retake on their own or the counselor can reset.

Career Interest ProfilerBuilt-in

Career interests based on Holland Interest Codes

Career interest assessment

60 questions20 to 30 minutes
  • Six personality types ranked by preference (Holland Code)
  • Matches careers for each theme and sorted by level of preparation

Market a new line of clothing.

  • Like
  • Unsure
  • Dislike

Interest by Holland Code

  1. Realistic: 1
  2. Investigative: 8
  3. Artistic: 25
  4. Social: 12
  5. Enterprising: 9
  6. Conventional: 10

Student can retake on their own or the counselor can reset.

Career KeySubscription

Career interests based on Holland Interest Codes

A middle school version of Career Interest Profiler

Career interest assessment

25 questions15 to 20 minutes
  • Six personality types ranked by preference (Holland Code)
  • Matches careers for each theme and sorted by preparation level

I like to lead and persuade people, and to sell things and ideas.

  • Like
  • Unsure
  • Dislike

Interest by Holland Code

  1. Realistic: 1
  2. Investigative: 8
  3. Artistic: 25
  4. Social: 12
  5. Enterprising: 9
  6. Conventional: 10
Student can retake on their own or the counselor can reset.


Formerly MI Advantage

SubscriptionHow you process information, solve problems, and create

Multiple intelligences indicator

54 questions15 to 20 minutes
  • Nine intelligences ranked in order of natural tendency
  • Matches with best-fit careers

I am very good at strategy games and step-by-step thinking.

Not at all to completely; 1 to 7 scale

  • Lists nine intelligences and the degree of tendency:
    • low
    • mid-range
    • high
  • Intelligences: 
    • Bodily-Kinesthetic
    • Linguistic,
    • Spatial
    • Etc.

Career title and bar graph indicating degree of match

Student can retake on their own or the counselor can reset.

Learning and Productivity

Formerly Learning Styles Inventory

SubscriptionEnvironmental, emotional, and physical learning preferences

Learning environment indicator

69 questions15 minutesGraphs 16 preferred learning styles or environments

I study best at a table or desk.

Strongly disagree to strongly agree; 1-5 scale
  • Prefer learning alone learning with peers
  • Prefer a cool learning environment a warm learning environment
Prefers lots of visuals vs. low amount of visuals
Student can retake on their own or the counselor can reset.


Formerly Do What You Are

SubscriptionHow you see the world and make decisions

Personality type assessment

37 side-by-side comparisons

20 to 30 minutes
  • Four-character personality type (Myers-Briggs)
  • Matches with best-fit careers and accompanying college majors

Choose between two situations:

  1. I start conversations with others
  2. I wait for others to speak with me.

Your personality type: ENTJ

  • Extroverted
  • Intuitive
  • Thinker
  • Judger
Student can retake on their own or the counselor can reset.

Identify what skills are critical in both school and the workplace

Aptitude and skills assessment

69 questions20 minutes

Result cards with top skill facets

  • Critical thinking
  • Conscientiousness
  • Creativity
  • Leadership
  • Social-emotional

I think about how I am influenced by people around me

Not at all to Definitely; 1-5 scale

Your skills at a glance

  • Provides an overview of each top skill facet.
  • Develop your skills – a list of all the skill facets measured in the assessment

List of recommendations in action, with a skills graph to help prioritize skills of interest to students and connect them with career goals

Student can retake on their own or the counselor can reset.
Strengths ExplorerBuilt-inThree strongest emerging talentsGallop strengths assessment78 questions20 minutes
  • Explore ways to build strengths
  • Research pathways that relate to talents
  • Add to favorites list

I love to win arguments.

  • Always
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Never
  • N/A

Top three talents

  1. Future thinker
  2. Achiever
  3. Organizer
Can only be taken once and cannot be reset.

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