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Create Parent Folders

Manually Create a Parent Folder

While you will create the bulk of parent folders via a school- or district-level parent data import, you may need to create a parent folder for a new parent quickly.

To create a parent folder, you must create the student folder first.

  1. Navigate to the selected student folder.

  2. From the Student Profile page, locate the Parent Information and click add.

  3. Enter the parent information. To ensure parents can manage their login credentials if logging in to Naviance Student, add an email address.

  4. Click Add New Parent. The information is added to student’s folder and a parent folder is created. To locate the parent folder, navigate to the Parent Roster.

Creating a parent folder does not give the parent access to Naviance Student. For the parent to log in to Naviance Student, you must do one of the following:

Manually Register a Parent Account

  1. Navigate to the selected student folder.

  2. From the Student Profile page, locate Naviance Student and select Register for the parent.

  3. Enter the New Username.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. From Register Account, copy the Username and Temporary Password to share with the parent. If an email address is included in the parent’s Naviance folder, an email will be automatically sent with their login information.

  6. Click continue to return to the Student Profile page.

Link an Existing Parent Folder to a Student

  1. Navigate to the selected student folder.

  2. From the Student Profile page, locate the Parent Information and click add.

  3. From Link an Existing Parent to this Student, select lookup.

  4. From the Parent Picker, locate the student and select the corresponding parent’s name.

  5. Click Add New Parent. The parent information is added to the student’s folder.

To unlink a parent account, navigate to the selected parent folder. From Students, choose unlink student for the selected student.

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