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Naviance Student Setup


Naviance is a comprehensive K-12 college and career readiness solution that helps districts and schools align students' strengths and interests to their postsecondary goals. The Naviance Student tools help students develop critical skills for college, career, and life.

To set up and customize Naviance Student by grade level:

  1. Select Naviance Student sections and features and student edit permissions.
  2. Customize the Naviance Student homepage and share information from your school.
  3. Activate Naviance Student.

Depending on how you set up Naviance Student for each grade level at your school, students have access to the following sections:

HomepageStudents have quick access to information from their school, their lists of favorites, upcoming tasks, to-do items, translate Naviance into more than 75 languages, and more.

Students uncover strengths and interests to make informed decisions about their futures with tools such as Gallup's StrengthsExplorer®, Career Interest Profiler, Career Key, and AchieveWorks® assessments.

Career Planning

Students access regional and state-specific data as they align their academic plans to goals and explore careers through engaging videos and work-based learning opportunities like internships, apprenticeships, and job shadowing.

College Planning

Students explore college information, identify best-match opportunities based on search criteria, and manage information about college applications.

Course Planning

Students create multi-year course plans aligned to career interests, graduation requirements, state requirements, and district priorities.

This section is only available to students with a school or district Course Planner subscription.
Success PlanningStudents manage tasks assigned by the school or district, create to-do items, and set and manage goals.
About Me

Students access their account information, assigned surveys, the resume builder, test scores, and more.

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