Equivalent reports
We’ve heard your feedback. Retired reports 1.0 and 2.0 will be back online during the week of October 21st, 2024.
Reports equivalents
Determine which Reports 3.0 correspond to retired Reports or Reports 2.0.
District-level reports
Reports category | Reports name | Equivalent Reports 3.0 category | Equivalent Reports 3.0 name |
Planning | Plan Milestone Completion by School | No equivalent |
Planning | Plan Milestone Completion Graph | No equivalent |
Planning | Plan Milestone Completion Summary | No equivalent |
Outcome | Outcome Trends by Gender | Plans and outcomes |
Outcome | Outcome Trends by School | Plans and outcomes |
Outcome | Student Outcome Detail | Plans and outcomes |
Outcome | Student Outcomes by Category | Plans and outcomes |
Outcome | Student Outcomes Summary | Plans and outcomes |
Scholarship | Detailed List by Scholarship | Scholarships |
Scholarship | Detailed List by School | Scholarships |
Scholarship | Summary List by Scholarship | Scholarships |
Scholarship | Summary List by Student | Scholarships |
Planner | Current Task Completion Status | Success planner |
Planner | Program Completion Status | Success planner |
Planner | Program Completion Summary | Success planner |
Planner | Task Completion Summary | Success planner |
School-level reports
Reports category | Reports name | Equivalent Reports 3.0 category | Equivalent Reports 3.0 name |
Student | AchieveWorks® Learning and Productivity | Self-discovery assessments |
Student | Student Outcome List | Plans and outcomes |
Student | Student Outcome Statistics Detail | Plans and outcomes |
Student | Student Outcomes Statistics Summary | Plans and outcomes |
Scholarship | Scholarship Detail by Scholarship | Scholarships |
Scholarship | Scholarship Detail by Student | Scholarships |
Scholarship | Scholarship Summary by Scholarship | Scholarships |
Scholarship | Scholarship Summary by Student | Scholarships |
Career | Assessment Status | Self-discovery assessments |
Career | Career Cluster by Student | Careers |
Career | Career Key® Assessment Status | Self-discovery assessments |
Career | Careers by Student | Careers |
Career | Students by Career | Careers |
Career | Students by Career Cluster | Careers |
College | Applications by College | Colleges and eDocs |
College | Applications by Student | Colleges and eDocs |
College | College Matriculation | Colleges and eDocs |
College | eDocs Online Application Form Submission Status | Colleges and eDocs |
College | Prospective Summary | Colleges and eDocs |
Planner | Current Task Completion Status | Success planner |
Planner | Program Completion Status | Success planner |
Planner | Program Completion Summary | Success planner |
Planner | Task Completion Summary | Success planner |
Courses | Course Plan Status | Course planner |
Courses | Course Demand Forecast | Course planner |
Reports 2.0 equivalents
Reports 2.0 category | Reports 2.0 name | Equivalent Reports 3.0 category | Equivalent Reports 3.0 name |
Assessment | Assessment Status Report | Self-discovery assessments |
Careers | Career Interest Report | Careers |
College | College Applications Report | Colleges and eDocs |
College | eDocs Usage Report | Colleges and eDocs |
College | Outcomes Report | Plans and outcomes |
Courses | Course Demand Report | Course planner |
Courses | Student Course Plan Report | Course planner |
Planner | Program Completion Report | Success planner |
Scholarship | Scholarship Report | Scholarships |
Planner | Task Completion Report | Self-discovery assessments |
Usage | Usage Report | Usage |
Reports 3.0 use cases
College applications summary
Generate summary application data for an entire class
Navigate to Analytics and select Reports 3.0.
Choose College Applications Summary.
From Filters:
Select the Class Year for which you want data.
Deselect the Current Grade level if it does not correspond to the chosen class years.
Select Manage Columns.
Select Student Class Year and any other columns you need.
Clear the College ID, College Name, and College State columns.
For a district-level report, also clear the School Name column to generate data for the entire district instead of broken down by school.
Select Apply.
Generate matriculation including the number of students attending 2- and 4-year colleges
Navigate to Analytics and select Reports 3.0.
Choose College Applications Summary.
From Filters:
Select the Class Year for which you want data.
Deselect the Current Grade level if it does not correspond to the chosen class years.
Select Manage Columns.
Clear all columns except School Name, Student Class Year, College Institution Type, and Attending Students.
For a district-level report, also clear the School Name column to generate data for the entire district instead of broken down by school.Select Apply.
Outcomes Summary
Generate the numbers and percentages for each outcome type
Navigate to Analytics and select Reports 3.0.
Choose Outomces Summary.
From Filters:
Select the Class Year for which you want data.
Deselect the Current Grade level if it does not correspond to the chosen class years.
Select Manage Columns.
Clear all columns except School Name, Class Year, Outcome College Bachelors #, Outcome College Bachelors %, Outcome College Associates #, Outcome College Associates %, Outcome Non US College #, Outcome Non US College %, Outcome Career Education or Trade School #, Outcome Career Education or Trade School %, Outcome Apprenticeship Program #, Outcome Apprenticeship Program %, Outcome Military Service #, Outcome Military Service %, Outcome Employment #, Outcome Employment %, Outcome Dropped Out #, Outcome Dropped Out %, Outcome College Prep School #, Outcome College Prep School %, Outcome Gap or Service Year #, Outcome Gap or Service Year %, Outcome I'm Not Sure #, Outcome I'm Not Sure %.
For a district-level report, also clear the School Name column to generate data for the entire district instead of broken down by school.Select Apply.
Student and Parent Usage Summary
Review usage summary data by academic year
Navigate to Analytics and select Reports 3.0.
Choose Student Usage Summary or Parent Usage Summary.
From Filters, choose one or more academic years.
Select Manage Columns.
Remove Academic Month.
For a district-level report, also clear the School Name column to generate data for the entire district instead of broken down by school.Select Apply.
Review usage summary data for an entire school
Navigate to Analytics and select Reports 3.0.
Choose Student Usage Summary or Parent Usage Summary.
From Filters, choose one or more academic years.
Select Manage Columns.
Remove Academic Month and Student Class Year. Optionally, remove Academic Year if you do not want to display data by academic year.
Select Apply.
Review usage summary data for an entire district
Navigate to Analytics and select Reports 3.0.
Choose Student Usage Summary or Parent Usage Summary.
From Filters, choose one or more academic years.
Select Manage Columns.
Remove School Name, Academic Month, and Student Class Year. Optionally, remove Academic Year if you do not want to display data by academic year.
Select Apply.
Student and Parent Usage Details
Review year-over-year logins for individual students or parents
Navigate to Analytics and select Reports 3.0.
Choose Student Usage Details or Parent Usage Detail.
From Filters, choose one or more academic years.
Select Manage Columns.
Remove # of Logins for each month.
Select Apply.