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Fee Types

Create a Fee Type for the different fees assessed by the school. Add each fee type under the appropriate Fee Category provided by the district.
For example:

Fee Category

Fee Type





Field Trip


Fee Types are set at the school level.

Navigation: School Management, Fees, Fee Types

Add a Fee Type 

  1. On the Fee Types page, click New.
    The New Fee Type Method page displays.

  2. Enter the name of the fee type, such as Recreational.

  3. Select the fee category you want to associate the fee type to from the dropdown menu, such as Field Trip.

  4. Enter an explanation of the fee type, such as Excursions for entertainment.

  5. Select the required general ledger code you want to associate the fee type to from the dropdown menu, such as Activity.
    General ledger codes are created using the GLCode Code Set at the district level.

  6. Click Submit
    The Fee Type page displays the new fee type.

Edit a Fee Type

  1. On the Fee Types page, click the fee type method you want to edit.
    The Edit Fee Type page displays.

  2. Edit the required information and click Submit
    The Fee Type page displays the edited fee type.

Delete a Fee Type

  1. On the Fee Types page, click the fee type method you want to delete.
    The Edit Fee Type page displays.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click Confirm Delete.
    The selected fee type is deleted.

Rank Fee Types

After fee types are created, you can rank them in the order by which you want the fees to be paid. A lower value, such as 1, indicates the fee type that will be paid before a fee type with a higher value, such as 3. You can also assign a priority value of 0 for one-off fees, such as a specific event.

  1. On the Fee Types page enter a numeric value for each fee type indicating the order in which payments are to be distributed.

  2. Click Submit.

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