Improved Dynamic Translations
Administrators can utilize the enhanced dynamic translation capabilities, including translations for column titles in the response list, collection table elements, user-entered error messages in custom data validation, and PASI elements. Additionally, translations are supported for the description field within the PASI element.
To configure the list of languages to be shown in dynamic translations, let us learn how to add translations, and display the list of languages while adding. This is achieved by selecting a language using the Multi-Language Settings (globe) icon and including translations for every field or element on the Manage Forms page.
You can build forms to support multiple languages. This allows districts or schools to communicate with parents or students in their native languages. When you create a form, you can add translations to display the form in other languages.
Configure necessary locales in SIS
PowerSchool SIS has the required locales configured on the Manage Locales page (navigate to System Administrator, click Page and Data Management, and then select Manage System Locales). Review the Manage System Locales section for guidance with locale setup.
The translation of system-defined content, including date/time formats and UI orientation, depends on the language settings configured in the Manage System Locales page. When you log in to SIS and choose a specific language, all the system-defined content for Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express be automatically translated into that selected language, also the other settings such as date/time format and UI orientation will be aligned with the chosen language preferences.
Configure necessary languages in Form Configurations
Ensure that the essential languages are set up in Forms configuration (navigate to System Administrator, click Forms, and then select Configure Form Languages).
The translation of all the dynamic form content will depend on language settings made on this page. Things to note:
Ensure that the languages especially the default language on the Manage System Locales page and Configure Form Languages page are identical.
If you make changes to language setup including changing the default language, ensure that the same change is made on both the pages.
Add Translations to Ecollect Form
Open an existing form in the Manage Forms or create a new form.
Click the Open Language options
icon for any user-facing form field or element property. The Multi-Language Settings: <field name> window is displayed.Hover the pointer over an available language and click the plus icon to add a duplicate language.
Click the Language link.
Select a Language.
Enter the translated property name in the Translation field.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more languages and translations.
Click Close.
If you click the Open Language options icon for the same form field or element property, you will be able to see the different languages in alphabetical order being saved.Verify the form's status is set to Published.
Click Save Form.
Configure Form Languages
From the Start Page, choose System Management in the main menu.
In the Forms submenu, choose Configure Form Languages.
The Default language is the language displayed if the user has not chosen a language preference. The User Count is the number of users who currently have chosen the language as their default.
To add a language, click New or select one of the listed languages.
Select one or more Available Languages.
Click Submit.
To confirm the newly added language is configured, you can open a form, click the Open Language options
Set User Preferences
On the Forms page for each portal, you can click the Preference button to choose from a list of languages defined on the System Forms Configuration Multi-Language Setting page.
After selection, the form listing is reloaded and any forms that have translations for the selected language are displayed in that language. When a translation is not available, the form is displayed in the default language.
When filling out a form, the form's title bar displays the language into which the form is translated. All available translations for the form appear in the drop-down menu, which allows you to choose a language in which to display the form without having to change the user preference.
Form Responder Experience
After logging into the SIS parent portal in a specific language, parents/students will observe that all system-defined content is automatically translated.
However, it's crucial for them to additionally click the Settings (gear) icon and select their preferred language. This action ensures that not only the system-defined content but also the form content is accurately translated according to the chosen language preference.
Pre-Registration Form Experience
The Administrator after submitting a pre-registration form, gains access to multiple URLs, each corresponding to the locales configured in the Manage System Locales page. The administrator can choose to publish one or more of these URLs or links.
The Parent can click on a URL or link corresponding to their preferred login. It is crucial that, after clicking, they also select the preferred language from the select language drop-down menu using the Settings (gear) icon. This ensures the entire page is translated into the chosen language.