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Localization Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download.

Saudi Arabia Localization - Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements



Saudi Arabia Name Structure

Upon the implementation of Saudi Arabia localization, the system will appropriately activate or deactivate Saudi Arabia-specific features based on the country selection during installation. To meet Saudi Arabia cultural requirements, the software adapts a refined approach to name structures.

Saudi Arabia names traditionally include a Given Name, Father's Name, Grandfather's Name (optional), and Tribal/Family Name. Users should input the names in both Arabic and English, with the system storing and displaying these names correctly for students, contacts, staff, and teachers in reports and screens.

Saudi Arabia Address Structure

The application will facilitate capturing and displaying Saudi Arabia address formats based on the country selection during installation, thereby enhancing localized support and usability. The Saudi Arabia address structure typically follows a defined format: it starts with the Building Number, Street Name,  District/Neighborhood,  City, Postal Code, Additional Number (optional) – could be used to capture National Address code comprising of 4 alphabets and 4 numbers, Province/Region and Country.

Country of Birth, National ID, Nationality, Passport Number and Passport Expiry date.

System will provide ability to capture

  • Country of Birth, National ID or Iqama Number, Nationality, for students, contacts, staff, and teachers personas,

  • Job title and Marital Status for Contacts and

  • Passport Number and Passport expiry date for students.

Currency Code

With the implementation of Saudi Arabia localization and Currency code setup in System Parameters at District level, the currency code "SAR" is prominently displayed in all monetary transactions, user interfaces, and forms where amounts are captured or shown.

Dual Language Support

Dual-language interfaces are supported for names (for Admin, Teachers, Parents, Contacts, and Students), nationality, school name, course name, and terms. Field labels for the attributes created for alternate languages dynamically change based on the locale preferences. If English is configured as the preferred language in the default Locale Preference, the alternate language label reads "Name in Arabic" and vice versa.

Object Reports

Saudi Arabia localization supports ten object reports, available in both English and Arabic languages. These reports accommodate the Saudi Arabia name and address elements, and additional profile attributes added to each persona.

Power Query Data Access Tags

Some fields aren’t directly accessible from the person tables in student-related object reports. Additionally, existing contact information data is not supported for certain fields. To resolve this issue, new Power Query DATs are provided for Object Reports.

Sample Report Card

The new sample "Report Card" built using Object Reports is tailored specifically for Saudi Arabia, addressing their unique requirements and preferences. It pulls data from various sources using Data Access Tags where applicable.

However, the out-of-the-box sample report card may not function properly at the customer site due to variations in courses, terms, and grades across different customers. This variability requires Object Reports to dynamically adjust to each unique setup, a capability it currently lacks. Therefore, the sample report we release is likely to fail if customer implementations differ from what is set up in our development environment. To create a usable Report Card, a service engagement is necessary, or the customer will need to build their own new report using this Sample report.

The Saudi Arabia Localization package offers additional custom elements for courses, terms, grades, etc., to capture these values both in English and Arabic.

International Installer

The installer design incorporates both core and country-specific elements to ensure that the software not only meets the foundational requirements for functionality but also adheres to localization and customization needs.

Known Issues


Issue Description 


  1. Does not support searching of Students and Staff using Saudi Arabia name format. The Saudi Arabia format includes a Given Name, Father's Name, Grandfather's Name (optional), and Tribal/Family Name.

  2. Names in the search suggestion dropdown for students and staff are not displaying in Saudi Arabia format, still appearing as Last, First and Middle.

  3. The search results are not sorted based on Saudi Arabia format. For Saudi Arabia, the sort order should be by Given Name, Father's Name, Grandfather's Name (optional), and Tribal/Family Name using locale-specific sorting."

  4. Does not support

    1. Searching of Students , Contacts and Staff using Nationality, and Alternate language elements, and

    2. Searching of Contacts and Staff based using National ID


Does not support searching of additional family members and contacts using Saudi Arabia Address elements and format. The Saudi Arabia format includes Building Number, Street Name,  District/Neighborhood,  City, Postal Code, Additional Number (optional) – could be used to capture National Address code comprising of 4 alphabets and 4 numbers, Province/Region and Country.


Cannot support displaying school name in alternate language in the drop down list for school selection.


User interfaces displaying course names, terms, grades, and term bins do not appear in the alternate language when users select a locale preference that is not set as the default.


Auto-upgrade Country specific Localization package is not supported.


Display name should be in Saudi Arabia format in alert validation messages.


Teachers Portal → Student Information → Click on any student → Select Graduation Plan Progress does not support Saudi Arabia name format


PowerTeacher Pro Portal does not support Address and Name in Saudi Arabia formates


Configuration Changes





Setup default locale

Select District Office-> System Management-> System Locales-> Select Arabic Locale-> Select the country and language according to your preference, check the system default locale checkbox, and submit.


Setup right Numeric and Currency Format

Select District Office-> System Management-> System Locales-> Select Arabic Locale-> In Currency format dropdown
select #,##0.00 and save changes.


Setup Currency Code and Symbol

Select District Office-> District Management-> Display Preferences-> Units and Alphabet Filer->Add currency code as “SAR” and name as “Riyal“


Adding Translation for “Riyal”

Select  District Office-> System Management-> Localization->Localize Powerschool->Go to data->Select Locale as Arabic->
Select Functional area as Powerschool Customer Defined data->Select Category as Currency Name-> Enter “Riyal” in specific text box and select contains in dropdown -> Enter the Translated text and submit the changes.


Setup Gregorian and hijri calendar

Select District Office-> System Management-> System Locales-> Select Arabic Locale-> In Calendar System select the Gregorian and hijri from the drop down and save the changes.


Displaying Arabic values in Object Reports for PDF

Select District Office-> System Management-> Reports->System reports->Report Queue Preference-> Check “Use Advanced PDF Processing” checkbox


Setup “ Default country for Student Demographics” to Saudi Arabia in Additional System Preferences

Select District Office → District Management → District Setup → Additional System Preferences → Select Saudi Arabia from the dropdown list of countries.


Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms - Custom Contact Address Structure


School and district administrators can now customize the contact address structure within Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms using the Manage Contact Custom Address Structure configuration.

With this configuration, school and district administrators can now define up to seven custom address components, each with customizable labels and translations. This configuration is inherited by all contact elements across all forms, eliminating the need for repetitive setup. Additionally, the feature supports soft match, exact match and exclusion options for address components while performing the contact match.

With this configuration enabled, parents will see the new address structure when they edit or add a new address within the contact element for any form. The updated address will be stored in the respective PersonAddress column within PowerSchool Schema fields configured upon contact match and delivery.

This feature will be independently or in conjunction with Internationalization Duplicate Contact Check for ID-based contact match and requires the Duplicate Contact Prevention feature to be enabled, which is currently in Controlled Availability.

Steps to Configure

Select System Management → Forms → Manage Contact Custom Address Structure → Select Address Components to Configure from PersonAddress Columns → Submit

Thailand Localization - Release Notes

Database Schema Update
  • The column prefix_codeset_id in the users table has been renamed to prefixcodesetid to adhere to the updated naming conventions.

UI Enhancements
  • The name formatting on the assignschoolfees page has been updated to comply with the Thailand naming convention, ensuring names are displayed and processed according to local standards.

PowerSchool Components

Localization version, includes the Localized package for Thailand and Saudi Arabia. This has dependencies on PowerSchool SIS Core version Customers will have to request Cloudops for installing Thailand Localization package or Saudi Arabia Localization package along with PowerSchool SIS Core version

  • The Thailand Localized package version is automatically installed when "Thailand" is selected from the country dropdown list and “Thailand Common” is selected from the state/province dropdown during the installation of PowerSchool SIS Core version

    • If the customer has already installed the Thai Localization package version, they cannot selectively upgrade to PS SIS Core version without also upgrading to the Thai Localization package version

  • The Saudi Arabia Localized Package version is automatically installed when "Saudi Arabia" is selected from the country dropdown list and “Saudi Arabia Common” is selected from the state/province dropdown during the installation of PowerSchool SIS Core version

    • If the customer is currently using the vanilla PowerSchool Core version (without localization enhancements) and prefers not to install the Saudi Arabia Localization package version, they must notify Cloudops in their request. This will ensure that Cloudops does not select Saudi Arabia from the country dropdown list during installation.

If a customer plans to upgrade only to PS SIS Core and not to Localization, they should avoid selecting Thailand or Saudi Arabia as the country during the initial installation. However, if they later decide to upgrade to the Localization package, they can run the Localization installer at that time, select Thailand or Saudi Arabia as the country, and the installer will then install the appropriate localizations for the respective countries.

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