Saudi Arabia Localization - Power Query DATs
DAT Access Tag | Description | Portal Page | Optional Parameters | Available | Version |
~(*powerquery;;fields=studentname) | We are using this DAT to display the student's full name. (first name, middle name, third name , last name) |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=altstudentname) | We are using this DAT to display the student's full name in alternate language (first name, middle name, third name , last name) |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=nationalid) | We are using this DAT to display the student's National ID |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=placeofbirth) | We are using this DAT to display the student's birth place. |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=nationality) | We are using this DAT to display the student's Nationality |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=thirdname) | We are using this DAT to display the student's third name alone. |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=altfirstname) | We are using this DAT to display the student's first name alone in alternate language |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=altmiddlename) | We are using this DAT to display the student's middle name alone in alternate language |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=altthirdname) | We are using this DAT to display the student's third name alone in alternate language |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=altlastname) | We are using this DAT to display the student's last name alone in alternate language |
| Object Report | | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=mothername) | We are using this DAT to display the full name of student's mother |
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar. | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=altmothername) | We are using this DAT to display the full name of student's mother in alternate language |
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar. | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=fathername) | We are using this DAT to display the full name of student's father |
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar. | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=altfathername) | We are using this DAT to display the full name of student's father in alternate language |
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar. | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=guardianname) | We are using this DAT to display the full name of student's guardian |
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar. | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=altguardianname) | We are using this DAT to display the full name of student's guardian in alternate language |
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar. | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=building) | We are using this DAT to display the student’s building |
Specify the type of address that has to be displayed(mailing or home) eg;arg.type=mailing | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=street) | We are using this DAT to display the student’s street address |
Specify the type of address that has to be displayed(mailing or home) eg;arg.type=mailing | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=unit) | We are using this DAT to display the student’s unit number |
Specify the type of address that has to be displayed(mailing or home) eg;arg.type=mailing | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=district) | We are using this DAT to display the student’s district |
Specify the type of address that has to be displayed(mailing or home) eg;arg.type=mailing | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=additionalnumber) | We are using this DAT to display the student’s additional number |
Specify the type of address that has to be displayed(mailing or home) eg;arg.type=mailing | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=city) | We are using this DAT to display the student's city |
Specify the type of address that has to be displayed(mailing or home) eg;arg.type=mailing | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=provience) | We are using this DAT to display the student's province |
Specify the type of address that has to be displayed(mailing or home) eg;arg.type=mailing
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=zip) | We are using this DAT to display the student’s zip code |
Specify the type of address that has to be displayed(mailing or home) eg;arg.type=mailing | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=country) | We are using this DAT to display the student’s country |
Specify the type of address that has to be displayed(mailing or home) eg;arg.type=mailing
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.emergency;fields=contactname) | We are using this DAT to display the student's emergency contact name |
Here, "rowno" defines the priority of the contact. For example, if rowno=2, retrieve the details of the second emergency contact.
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.emergency;fields=altcontactname) | We are using this DAT to display the student's emergency contact name in alternate language |
Here, "rowno" defines the priority of the contact. For example, if rowno=2, retrieve the details of the second emergency contact.
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.emergency;fields=contactrelationshipdesc) | We are using this DAT to display the student's emergency contact relationship. |
Here, "rowno" defines the priority of the contact. For example, if rowno=2, retrieve the details of the second emergency contact.
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.emergency;fields=phonenumber) | We are using this DAT to display the student's emergency phone number |
Here, "rowno" defines the priority of the contact. For example, if rowno=2, retrieve the details of the second emergency contact. | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.emergency;fields=phonetype) | We are using this DAT to display the type of phone number for the student's emergency contact. |
Here, "rowno" defines the priority of the contact. For example, if rowno=2, retrieve the details of the second emergency contact. | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=school_provience) | We are using this DAT to display the province of the school |
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar | Object Report | |
~(*powerquery;;fields=school_Country) | We are using this DAT to display the country of the school |
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar | Object Report | |
Report Card DAT’s | |||||
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=coursename) | This DAT is used get the list of courses based on termbin storecode eg: S1,S2 |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get course related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=altcoursename) | This DAT is used get the list of courses in arabic based on termbin storecode eg: S1, S2 |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get course related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=gradesystem1) | This DAT is used get the list of Grades against course name on first termbin storecode available in arg.gradesystem parameter |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=gradesystem2) | This DAT is used get the list of Grades against course name on second termbin storecode available in arg.gradesystem parameter |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=gradesystem3) | This DAT is used get the list of Grades against course name on third termbin storecode available in arg.gradesystem parameter |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=gradepercent1) | This DAT is used get the list of percent against course name on first termbin storecode available in arg.gradesystem parameter |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=gradepercent2) | This DAT is used get the list of percent against course name on second termbin storecode available in arg.gradesystem parameter |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=gradepercent3) | This DAT is used get the list of percent against course name on third termbin storecode available in arg.gradesystem parameter |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=yearlygrade) | This DAT is used get the list of garde against each course name for final Marks (Storecode='Y1') |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=yearly) | This DAT is used get the list of garde against each course name for final Marks (Storecode='Y1') |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=credithrs) | This DAT is used get the list of earned Credit hour against each course name (Storecode='Y1') |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescore;fields=gpapoints) | This DAT is used get the list of GPA points against each course name (Storecode='Y1') |
need to pass termbin storeCode to get grade information related to it Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.reportcard;fields=header1) | This DAT is used to get the description for term abbreviation of the first element gradesystem argument eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 |
need to pass term Abbrevation to get name of the term Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.reportcard;fields=header2) | This DAT is used to get the description for term abbreviation of the second element in gradesystem argument eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 |
need to pass term Abbrevation to get name of the term Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.reportcard;fields=header3) | This DAT is used to get the description for term abbreviation of the first element gradesystem argument eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2| |
need to pass term Abbrevation to get name of the term Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=gradepercent1sum) | This DAT is used to get the sum of first termbin storecode in gradesystem argument eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2| |
need to pass set of termbins storecode Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=gradepercent2sum) | This DAT is used to get the sum of second termbin storecode in gradesystem argument eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2| |
need to pass set of termbins storecode Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=gradepercent3sum) | This DAT is used to get the sum of third termbin storecode in gradesystem argument eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2| |
need to pass set of termbins storecode Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=yearlyavg) | This DAT is used to get the sum of final year and percentage |
need to pass set of termbins storecode Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=yearlypercent) | This DAT is used to get the final year percentage for all course listed |
need to pass set of termbins storecode Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=yearlysum) | This DAT is used to get the sum of final year marks for all course listed |
need to pass set of termbins storecode Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=credithoursesum) | This DAT is used to get the sum of Credit Hours for all course listed |
need to pass set of termbins storecode Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2 | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gpagrade;fields=grade) | This DAT is used to get the grade against the grade scale DCID by passing arg.dcid and arg.percent eg:arg.dcid=1; arg.percent= ~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=yearlypercent) |
need to pass set of termbins storecode Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2
need to pass the DCI from the gradescle item screen which Gradescale item they are going to use eg:arg.dcid=1 arg.percent need to pass the yearly percentage what we get from this DAT Query ~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=yearlypercent) Eg:arg.percent=~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=yearlypercent) | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gpagrade;fields=gpa) | This DAT is used to get the GPA against the grade scale DCID by passing arg.dcid and arg.percent eg:arg.dcid=1; arg.percent=~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=yearlypercent) |
need to pass set of termbins storecode Eg:arg.gradesystem=S1|S2
need to pass the DCI from the gradescle item screen which Gradescale item they are going to use eg:arg.dcid=1 arg.percent need to pass the yearly percentage what we get from this DAT Query ~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=yearlypercent) Eg:arg.percent=~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradescoresum;fields=yearlypercent) | Object Report | 24.9.0 | |
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.term;fields=alttermname) | This DAT is used to get the Alternative School Year | Object Report | 24.9.0 | ||
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradelevel;fields=grade) | This DAT is used to get the Student grade level based on current year id selection | Object Report | 24.9.0 | ||
~(*powerquery;query=com.powerschool.common.dat.gradelevel;fields=nextgrade) | This DAT is used to get the Student Next grade level based on current year id selection(it will bring +1 from the above DAT) | Object Report | 24.9.0 | ||
~(*powerquery;;fields=grade) | We are using this DAT to display the student's current Grade level in alternate language |
To obtain the translation text for the specified fields, eg;arg.locale=ar. | Object Report | |